Card Post:
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colors_tcg !
4/9 -> Joined: stubborn16, saturn09, gakuen17, isshu06, mentor05, nagi17, littlekitty09, littlekitty16 (8 Cards)
4/9 -> Join Extras: blackbird18 and pigtails02 (10 Cards)
4/9 -> Release Cards: pyo17, nyu19, wish13, reaper12, mushi01, sailorfuku14, enigmatic08, flirt05, childish09 and littlekitty04 (20 Cards)
4/9 -> Traded enigmatic08 and childish09 for knowledge15 and blunt08 with
shinshi (2 Trades)
4/9 -> Traded reaper12 for emotions08 with
osoroi (3 Trades)
4/9 -> Traded mushi01 and sailorfuku14 for pacifist07 and isshu15 with
senren (5 Trades)
4/9 -> Traded pyo17, nyu19, and wish13 for goggles16, love10, and emotions03 with
kupwark (8 Trades)
4/11 -> Traded mentor05 and saturn09 for knowledge20 and coordinator19 with
wolfie_ (10 Trades)
4/11 -> Traded stubborn16 for littlekitty19 with
kikinioth (11 Trades)
4/11 -> Traded flirt05 for knowledge08 with
chikky2k5 (12 Trades)
4/14 -> Shadow Watching 33: free04 and withdrawn16 (22 Cards)
4/22 -> Traded blackbird18 for goggles03 with
kupwark (13 Trades)
4/22 -> Host Club Giveaway 21: shattered17, television11, order05 (25 Cards)
4/22 -> Pick A Color 20: tactician08 and outdated19 (27 Cards)
4/22 -> Reading Between the Lines 23: scorpio04, duality14, and west20 (30 Cards)
4/30 -> Voting: chupa05 and mirage06 (32 Cards)
4/30 -> Deck Donation: maid04, healer20, earthshaker13, and blue crayon (35 Cards)
4/30 -> Deck Donation: mayonnaise09, ratsbane06, desu17, and gray crayon (38 Cards)
4/30 -> Traded withdrawn16 for wild06 with
orechibisama (14 Trades)
4/30 -> Traded shattered17 for goggles10 with
lucathia_rykatu (15 Trades)
5/5 -> Art Lessons with Rukia: aptx486920 and experiments10 (40 Cards)
5/5 -> Guess the Color: mako10 and engaged17 (42 Cards)
5/5 -> Pick A Color: 2-a06, blaster11, and yami16 (45 Cards)
5/5 -> Traded earthshaker13 and pigtails02 for wild01 and wild05 with
stopping (17 Trades)
5/5 -> May Release: iceland12, liberate02, schwarzer05, magatama20, observe11, explosives13, innocent02, left19, hamha12, and isshu14 (55 Cards)
5/5 -> Traded iceland12 for contests15 with
shinshi (18 Trades)
5/5 -> Traded observe11 for littlekitty12 with
osoroi (19 Trades)
5/11 -> Traded liberate02 and hamha12 for contests19 and rush02 with
kupwark (21 Trades)
5/11 -> Traded explosives13 for goggles04 with
sno (22 Trades)
5/11 -> Birthday: hre05, marchhare17, candy12, and orange crayon (58 Cards)
5/11 -> Traded left19 for contests02 with
moon_wolfwriter (23 Trades)
5/11 -> Traded schwarzer05 for bigkitty11 with
taminas (24 Trades)
5/11 -> Host Club Giveaway 22: minicon15 and obsessed06 (60 Cards)
5/11 -> Ryoga's Directions 21: cancer10, summoner18, and unrequited08 (63 Cards)
5/11 -> Traded blaster11 for coordinator10 with
yamachan01 (25 Trades)
5/11 -> Traded magatama20 for wild 20 with
wolfie (26 Trades)
5/11 -> Traded innocent02 for goggles17 with
konimi (27 Trades)
5/17 -> Crazy Colors 31: claw06 and whispered12 -> Lost experiments10 (63 Cards)
5/17 -> Traded aptx486920 for contests20 with
animepam (28 Trades)
5/17 -> Sketchpad #1: blossom08, bandages08, and purple crayon (65 Cards)
5/17 -> Traded cancer10 for wild09 with
kupwark (29 Trades)
5/17 -> Obtained 3 copies of Sig (68 Cards)
5/24 -> Traded Sigs with
perarduaadast (30 Trades)
5/24 -> Color's Coloring Book 12: ronin15 and saiyaman02 -> Lost minicon15 (69 Cards)
5/24 -> Pick A Color 22: gunblade14 and sablier07 (71 Cards)
5/24 -> Reading Between the Lines 25: rosary02, galaxy18, archaeology13 (74 Cards)
5/24 -> Traded ratsbane06 for pacifist14 with
mirajane (31 Trades)
5/24 -> Host Club Giveaway 23: burning11 and spaz18 (76 Cards)
5/24 -> Traded Sigs with
rainyskies13 (32 Trades)
5/24 -> Traded scorpio04 for rush10 with
ooamenohime (33 Trades)
5/24 -> Deck Donation: mediator15, jewel03, spirit09, and brown crayon (79 Cards)
5/24 -> Deck Donation: tonfar03, earl11, rhythmic20, and purple crayon (82 Cards)
5/27 -> Traded rhythmic20 for wild11 with
nonchatte (34 Trades)
5/27 -> Traded gunblade14 for wild18 with
roax (35 Trades)
6/3 -> Anniversary Day 1: nun03 and anniversary01 (84 Cards)
6/19 -> Gifted nun03 to
kupwark (83 Cards) (36 Trades)
6/19 -> Release: astraphobia01, catsndogs15, cold02, fishanima14, heaven11, points07, seychelles13, stitches15, taser05, and artemis12 (93 Cards)
6/19 -> Anniversary Day 3: littlekitty01 and anniversary03 (95 Cards)
6/19 -> Traded yami16 for love17 with
mongoosehwrs (37 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded seychelles13 and cold02 for wild13 and goggles09 with
shinshi (39 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded points07 and taser05 for goggles06 and wild19 with
barnaby (41 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded catsndogs15, heaven11, stitches15, and artemis12 for goggles15, rush18, littlekitty17, and pacifist02 with
kupwark (45 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded astraphobia01 for emotions20 with
kelliedee (46 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded fishanima14 for coordinator05 with
moon_wolfwriter (47 Trades)
6/19 -> Traded 2 purple crayons for 2 yellow crayons with
kupwark 6/20 -> Anniversary Day 14: isshu20 and anniversary14 (97 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 2: charisma17, stripes11, and anniversary02 (100 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 13: pointer16, observe02, and anniversary13 (103 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 11: marine18, misinterpret20, and anniversary11 (106 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 12: impressions08, exsphere20, railgun02, and anniversary12 (110 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 6: question04, prodigal04, and anniversary06 (113 Cards)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 15: emperor11, ladyluck11, fireball20, and anniversary15 (117 Cards)
6/20 -> Traded blossom08 for golem01 with
nonchatte (48 Trades)
6/20 -> Anniversary Day 10: y-ko17, guillotine16, literature05, and anniversary10 (121 Cards)
7/14 -> Traded pointer16 for rush03 with
piraskel (49 Trades)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 9: littlekitty06 and anniversary09 -> Lost mirage06 (122 Cards)
7/14 -> Leveled Up to Orange: forks01, trumpet14, littlekitty15, and 1 brown crayon (125 Cards)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 7: identity02, ruin01, onmyouji20, and anniversary07 -> Lost emperor11 and guillotine16 (127 Cards)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 4: acepilot03, soft20, and anniversary04 (130 Cards)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 5: deadpan10 and anniversary05 (132 Cards)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 16: rebirth07, big07, and anniversary16 (135 Cards)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 19: delinquent07, love17, karaya13, ghost08, and anniversary19 (140 Cards)
7/14 -> Traded misinterpret20 for love14 with
mongoosehwrs (50 Trades)
7/14 -> Traded fireball20 for wild17 with
wolfie (51 Trades)
7/14 -> Anniversary Day 18: irritated04, parfait09, doberman14, and anniversary18 (144 Cards)
7/14 -> Traded doberman14 for rush10 with
wolfie (52 Trades)