This was requested; so here's a tutorial on how to modify blank Pokemon Trainer cards
This is done with Photoshop 7.0; but Paint Shop Pro works just as well too. xD;
01. First, let's take a blank trainer card template. There are other templates available, but if you want a custom background, then this is easiest xD;
02. Next, grab a texture. I use pattern textures for this. Let's use something like this
I'm not sure who made this. If anyone knows, please let me know! :D
03. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the white, rectangular area of your Trainer Card.
04. Select your opened texture, and use the Magic Wand Tool (right click the texture, and then 'select all') or the Rectangular Marquee Tool, whichever you prefer, and then copy the image. Then, select the trainer card, and paste it within the selected area.
05. Set the texture to Multiply, and both the Opacity and Fill to 70%. It should look something like this.
06. Repeat steps 03 - 05 in the same way. But just select the part of the card that is still white.
You should have a nice card that looks like this now :D
07. Now, find a nice trainer sprite C:
This website has a nice gallary to chose from.
Also, the Pokemon sprites you want to use in your trainer card can be found there as well.
08. Open the trainer sprite you'll want to use -- select the image, and drag it onto the trainer card. Position it where you'd like the trainer to be at. Easy, right?
09. This part is a bit more tricky. For your Pokemon -- use the Rectangle Marquee Tool to select the inner part of the square in your card.
Copy & paste the Pokemon sprite into the selected area of your card.
Make sure the layers with your Pokemon are above other layers in the card.
Repeat this step until you have all the Pokemon you want in your card.♥
10. Now, select the top area of the card -- with the trainer name; create a new layer with said part selected, set it to color -- and then use the Paint Bucket tool to color it whichever color you'd like :D
Now; select the Text Tool -- and select the lighter rectangle to type your name. I used Courier @ 12 pt for this, but feel free to change it xD;
11. Repeat the same step for the bottom half of the card; this time; use the Eyedropper Tool to select the color used in the filled area; and use the Paintbrush Tool to color over the Badge part of the trainer card. Type in your friends code.
There! If there's any confusions with this tutorial, lemme know :D;; Enjoy!