Title: The trouble with big Brothers
kimisgirlPairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Schmoop, post the end of the world, some spoilers for all of season 5
Summary: In which Gabriel is alive and Sam is slow to get it...
“Here’s what we’re going to do!” Gabriel exclaimed as he rammed another handful of m&m’s into his mouth.
“No” Sam replied firmly, not even raising his eyes from the book in his hand. His bangs hiding his amused smirk from his lover.
“But you haven’t even heard my plan yet, it’s a good plan Sammy, the best even!”
“Don’t need to hear it” Sam returned
“Yeah well you’re gonna anyway” the archangel returned with a playful smirk.
With that he dived head first into the aforementioned plan. There was mention of flying pigs, mind control and male anatomy that was, quite frankly, highly disturbing in relation to his brother. And what the hell the pigs were for Sam still couldn’t actually work out.
“Tell me you’re joking, this is a trick you’re pulling on me right” Sam practically begged, a shocked and horrified expression on his face.
“What? I think it’s an awesome plan!”
“You want to brain wash Dean into thinking he’s gay, just so he will accept our relationship and get it on with Castiel? How on any plain of existence is that an awesome plan?”
“Well it would work Mr. Grumpy pants” Gabriel returned with a ridiculous pout as he slumped down into his chair across the table from Sam. Looking for all the world like a toddler who’d had his candy stolen.
“You’re adorable when you sulk” Sam teased with a grin, causing Gabriel to simply pout harder.
Sam chuckled and returned his attention back to his book.
“Fine then, what’s your brilliant idea?” Gabriel asked, breaking the silence, still pouting.
“I’m going to tell Dean about us” Sam replied calmly. Eye’s lifting to meet his angels, smiling playfully.
“Us?” Gabriel laughed, “he is gonna want to have him an archangel barbeque you realise?”
“No he won’t”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow, silent and staring.
“Okay, so maybe at first, but I won’t let him.” Sam assured.
“Yeah well you better; I’ve kinda gotten use to hanging around and shit. Sorta like it really, would suck if your douchebag brother ran me out of town.” Gabriel’s tone was teasing but Sam could see the seriousness under it. They didn’t really do mushy, especially with Dean always around, but they knew what they meant to each other.
“Aww, honey, I like you too!” Sam cooed back teasingly.
“You better!” With that and a wink Gabriel snapped his fingers and disappeared, just as the door unlocked and swung open. Dean pushing his way through it and glancing at Sam.
Sam gave his brother a grin and went back to his book. He’d wait till Dean had relaxed with a beer for a while before dropping his Gabe bomb on him.
“Dean” Sam’s tone was nervous, unsure and he fidgeted from his position on his bed across from Dean’s.
“Sam?” Dean’s tone was careful as he glanced at Sam.
“I, ah, I have something to tell you. Something you’re not going to like.” Before his brother could reply Sam hurried on, “but just so you know, it’s nothing as bad as Ruby, and before you get the chance, it’s all me, it was my idea, my feelings, my everything, so don’t go blaming it on anything else.”
“Sam, what did you do?” Dean demanded, worry rising and his anger also.
“I fell in love” Sam all but whispered, eye’s fixed to the ground, unable to look at Dean.
“Of course you did” Dean muttered, sighing.
“Okay, who is it then, must be someone you know I won’t approve of, or you wouldn’t have given me a monologue before getting to the point.”
“Promise me you will give it a chance, that you won’t just go and try to kill them?” Sam begged.
“Who. Is. It?” Dean grit out slowly.
“Not until you promise Dean” Sam held his ground.
“Fine” Dean growled.
“YES Sam, Jesus, just spit it out” Dean snapped.
“Gabriel” Sam replied very quickly, like it would be less of a shock if it was done fast.
“I’m sorry, I must have heard that wrong, who?” Dean replied.
“Gabriel, I’m in love with Gabriel okay” Sam returned, loud and defensive this time.
Dean stood and headed for the bathroom, face set in an unreadable mask.
“Dean?” Sam questioned carefully, needing something from his brother.
“Just... wait” Dean snapped and slammed the bathroom door behind him.
Gabriel appeared at Sam’s side on the small motel bed, arm wrapping around Sam’s waist, pulling the man close to his side.
“Well that went well” Gabriel deadpanned.
“Yeah, no thanks to you” Sam snapped.
“Hey” Gabriel said softly, “I would have been there if you’d wanted me to, you know that right?”
Sam sighed heavily and leaned into Gabriel, his head coming to rest on his angels’ shoulder. “Yeah I know, it was best this way, doesn’t make it easier though”
“Right, my turn to talk to Deano” the archangel stated happily.
“WHAT?” NO!” Sam grabbed hold of Gabriel. “Gabe, really please just let me handle Dean, please” he begged.
“No can do kiddo,” Gabriel replied.
“Sam, Sammy...” Gabriel took Sam’s face gently in both hands, until the man met his eyes. “I love you, trust me?”
Sam let out a deep breath and nodded carefully, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Gabriel’s lips.
With that the archangel disappeared, to the bathroom Sam figured.
Part 3