Title: Shelter from the Storm
heavenlyxbodiesFandom/Genre: RPS, H/C, Schmoop, Angst, Romance, First Time
Pairing (s): Jensen/Misha, Jared/Richard, Chris/Steve
Rating: R for language and adult themes
Word Count: 20,544
Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse to one of the main characters not by (nothing graphic), Mentions of rape to one of the main characters (past, non graphic), homophobia
After reading a post made by
earth_heart on his journal, I asked him if I could dedicate this story to him. He graciously said yes. So I am doing just that. I dedicate this to him and every other person out there who has had a life that, were the world ideal, should only be seen in fiction. Stay strong and know you are loved and that love will give you the happiness everyone deserves.
Summary: Can you out run your past? Is it possible to face your demons and then move on? Will two men who find each other in a place they never expected, be able to find the love and happiness they never thought they’d have? Only time will tell…
PART 1 ~
PART 2 ~
PART 3 ~