Title: Indecisive
Author: Kim.
Chapters: 2/?
Genre: Occassional Fluff, Romance, and Angst. We'll see won't we?
Rating: G - PG (only for mild language...so far anyway)
Main Characters: Hikaru & Keito
Fictional Main Character: Sakura
Chapter Two
Sakura sat down and checked her watch. Where's Grandma? Or do I call her ... What was it? Was it Okaa-san or Obaa-san? This is all too confusing! She slumped into her seat and her lower lip jutted out, just like every other time she was frustrated. It was a childhood habit. She tapped her foot onto the marble floor and let her eyes wander. Japan was such a ... high-tech place. Or clean, or more advanced rather. How was she ever going to get used to it? Then, she yawned. If I can't even get used to the time change, how am I supposed to keep up with everything else? She thought ruefully.
"Biji?" Sakura glanced towards her left. There she saw a stout woman, with white streaks in her hair, hobbling towards her.
"Grandma?" The old woman smiled."Sakura dear. Goodness me, I forgot. Can you still understand?" She had finally reached to where Sakura was sitting and her face was lined, but her eyes sparkled with a distinct youth.
"Hai. But I can't remember if I'm supposed to call you Okaa-san or Obaa-san." Sakura scratched her head and her Grandma just threw her head back and laughed.
"Well then. Looks like we're going to have to work on your Japanese." She said with a smile. Sakura grinned and nodded.
"If you insist, Obaa-san." Her Grandma smiled and patted her on the back.
"Okay, well, I'll give you a break tonight alright Biji?" Sakura nodded again and then stood up.
"Thanks Gran." She took hold of her luggage and swung her backpack over her shoulder.
"Hey, Sakura."
"Yeah?" The pair had started off towards the elevators.
"Who was that boy you were talking to?" Sakura eyed her Grandma curiously.
"Eh? You mean the British boy? I think his name was Keito." She waited for a response but none came, so she just disregarded her Grandma's odd question and pushed the 'down' button.
"Tadaima!" Hikaru exclaimed as he slid the door open. Keito's father was first to go in and Keito followed closely behind.
"Okay, now Keito. I want you to speak in Japanese okay?" Keito just nodded and pulled his luggage through.
"Uncle! Cousin! Welcome!" Hikaru smiled at them and Keito, trying to remember Japanese courtesy, bowed and as he got up from his bow, his head collided with the door frame.
"Ow!" He rubbed his head and he saw Hikaru bite his lip.
"Hontou ni gomen!" His cousin looked worried. But Keito just shook his head and attempted a smile.
"It's okay. I mean, daijobu desu." Hikaru laughed nervously and then quickly escorted Keito and his father to their designated rooms.
"It's a little small, but I hope that's no trouble. We could trade rooms if you like." Hikaru told Keito. Keito on the other hand actually liked the small room. It reminded him a little bit of his hidden room back in England.
"It's okay. I'm fine with this. Arigatou gozimasu." After seeing his cousin satisfied, Hikaru nodded and left Keito to his own thoughts. Keito walked around the entire room, which wasn't saying much seeing as he covered it in about 30 seconds with his long strides.
"Looks like this is my new home now." Keito mumbled to himself and opened his suitcase to take out more homey clothes. He took his shirt off and looked at himself in the mirror. His shoulders drooped and a frown hovered above his face. He straigthened his back and tried to get rid of the frown, but it felt like he was just making funny faces. After a few more attempts, he gave up and changed to his pyjama bottoms. He jumped into the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
His phone started vibrating and he quickly grabbed it off of the side table.
Hey Keito! I don't know what time it is there, but it's like 1 p.m. here so I figured you're still awake! How's Japan dude?!
It was a text message from Alex, his friend from England. He couldn't help but to roll his eyes and quickly texted him back.
Alex. It's 2 in the morning over here. You're lucky I'm still awake.
He pressed send and not 30 seconds after, his phone buzzed again.
Whoooa man. Why you up so late?
Keito laughed softly to himself. Alex wasn't the brightest.
I just got here dude. Why don't you just call me?
He pressed 'send' and then waited, his eyes examining the soft green wallpaper. It reminded him of the trees in Suffolk, back at that park where he and...
"Oh crap." Keito clutched his head. A sharp pain had just passed and the memories he felt about Suffolk vanished, for now that is. He leaned back against the headboard and at the same moment, his phone had buzzed again. He flipped his phone open to see what Alex had texted back but noticed that it was a phone call. He quickly put the phone to his ear.
"Alex?" He asked. Not having caller I.D. sucks.
"Err, no?" It was a girl. Keito blinked and thought about who he had last given his number to. I don't remember...
"Oh! Is this Sakura?" He asked tentively.
"Uh yeah. This is Keito right?" She asked apprehensively. Keito smiled to himself.
"Yep! What's up?"
"Oh nothing. Sorry for bothering you so late. I just needed to ask you something."
"Yeah sure. I'm all ears!" He said brightly. He heard a soft chuckle on the other end.
"Well, my Gran forgot that she had an errand to do tomorrow, or technically later on today, so I was wondering if you, I don't know..." Her last words were a little rushed, but Keito caught on.
"Umm, is it okay if I bring someone along?" Pretty much because my Dad will make me bring my cousin along but also because I have no idea how to get anywhere. He heard shuffling noises on the other end and he sat patiently.
"Oh, yeah, sure. That's fine. Let's meet over at that park, Amakusa Park or something like that."
"Okay. Sounds awesome. Is 1:30 okay for you?"
"Yep! See you tomorrow then!" Sakura said cheerfully. Keito laughed.
"Bye." He shut his phone once again and stared happily at the ceiling. Looks like I'll be seeing her again soon. He thought to himself.
Keito almost fell of the bed as he jumped from the sudden vibration. He flipped his phone opened excitedly.
"Sakura?" He asked eagerly.
"Nah dude! It's Alex." Keito was somewhat disappointed but relieved. What if it was Sakura on the other line?! He shivered at that thought and went back to Alex.
"Oh, hey Alex."
"Well well well Keito. Who's this Sakura you thought I was?" Alex asked. Keito became slightly irritated.
"Just shut up Alex. How's Suffolk without me so far?" Keito asked, genuinely curious but also trying hard to steer the topic away from Sakura. He could almost imagine Alex shrugging right now. He probably is because he's forgetting that I can't see him.
"Oh sorry man. I forgot you couldn't see me so I just shrugged. But yeah, Suffolk's just 'eh' so far." Keito involuntarily rolled his eyes.
"You miss me?" He asked teasingly. Alex snickered.
"Yeah yeah yeah. How couldn't I buddy?" Keito grinned. He missed Alex too, he was the only one who would listen to him, and really listen. He was actually smart with that type of thing.
"It's okay man, maybe I'll come visit soon eh?"
"Hopefully! If you do, I'm throwing a party at my place!" Keito laughed.
"Don't you remember the last time you threw a party at your house?"
"That's DIFFERENT! I'll actually tell my parents this time, and hide the tables ... Okay and I'll hide the little kiddies too. Alex chuckled.
"That would be awesome then. Thanks." Keito said.
"Aw, don't go all mushy on me man!" Alex exclaimed in mock disgust.
"Not my fault. It's almost 2:45 in the morning. I'll talk to you soon man. Bye."
"Fine. Go and sleep. Later dude!" The line went dead and Keito placed his phone on to the side table. He pulled the cover up to his bare chest and closed his eyes. Everything isn't so bad after all. Then, he drifted off into the unconscious.
Hikaru stood in a pink apron in the kitchen, cooking. A door slid open and out came his uncle.
"Ah, ohayo!" His uncle looked tiredly from the food to Hikaru's smiling face. He smiled lazily back.
"Ohayo." Then, he sat himself down on the couch and picked up the newspaper. Not too long after that, another door slid open and out came Keito, bare chest and only pyjama bottoms.
"G'Morning." He yawned. Hikaru looked questionningly at Keito who had suddenly widened his eyes. Smiling brightly at his cousin, he waved.
"Ohayo gozimasu!" Keito's mouth moved but nothing came out. Insead he just bowed and went back into his room. Hikaru just shrugged and went back to the cooking. Probably just tired from talking so much last night. He recalled the two conversations he had overheard last night. Of course, he couldn't understand a word but he had caught the name 'Sakura'. She sounds Japanese. Maybe Keito's girlfriend or something. He thought. The door slid open yet again and this time Keito stepped out with a baggy white t-shirt. By this time, Hikaru was ready done cooking and almost finished setting up the table. His cousin sat down carefully at one end of the table and gestured for his father to follow, but he shook his head.
"It's okay. I'm not hungry. I'm going out later with your Aunt and Uncle anyway, so don't worry about me." Hikaru just blinked and continued searching forthe chopsticks.
"Oh, okay. I was planning on going out today too. But I kinda need Hikaru to show me around. That's cool right?" Hikaru paused at the mention of his name. What was his cousin talking about?
"Well ask him yourself." Was his father's reply Nd Hikaru resumed his search.
"Hey, Hikaru-kun." Hikaru turned around.
"Do you mind showing me around? I'm planning on going to this park called Amakusa." Hikaru smiled and nodded.
"No problem! It's only a few blocks away from here. We could walk if you like." Keito smiled back and nodded.
"Oh, Hikaru-kun?" Hikaru swivelled his head to face his uncle.
"What time is it?" Hikaru pulled back his sleeve and checked his watch.
"Ano, it's 12:30."
"WHAAAAAAT?!!" Hikaru's head snapped towards Keito who had abruptly stood up, knocking over his chair.
"Eh, daijobu?" He asked his cousin who was now running towards his room.
"I'm late! She's going to think I ditched her! Why the hell didn't I set my alarm?! UGH, I'm screwed!" Keito ranted. Hikaru looked confusedly at his uncle, silently asking for an explanation. His uncle shrugged.
"From what I heard him say, apparently he's late for something and a girl's going to supposedly think she's been ditched." Hikaru nodded just as Keito came out, fully dressed in jeans, tshirt, and shoes at hand. He looked expectantly at Hikaru who stood there dumbstruck.
"Eto, Hikaru-kun. D'you mind if we left now foe Amakusa park rather than later?" Hikaru nodded and slipped off his apron. Luckily, he was already dressed.
"Hai! Let's go! Ittekimasu!" And the two cousins strode out into the streets.
PREVIEWChapter One