Inception Art Post #1

Aug 24, 2010 21:25

So... apparently "accumulating enough" means having finished only two pictures. >___>;; I really didn't mean that, 'cause I know I'll be drawing more. Most definitely Inception related too, aha.

Just- there was something I finished today that needed a place to be posted and I don't know when I'll have this much free time again. So without adieu-!


For prettify's prompt here: Arthur has an old hoodie he wears when he's feeling down; Eames finds it adorable.

Though I kind of gave up on the background, I'm happy the way it came out. The totems and sketches were really last minute and I was super excited when I thought I'd draw Arthur doodling a Penrose staircase. *dork*

'Cept, I should seriously invest in a different style if pics I'm drawing are going to be fills in response to prompts, ahah. Unless it's going to be one drawing per Prompt Rounds. But the response has been amazing! Thank you everyone who saw it, posted comments, recced it, and/or even tweeted about it. *kind of stalkery sounding?* But no, it's a testament to how incredibly welcoming I felt coming into Inception fandom. Love ya'll~ <33

And this one... I spontaneously started 'round midnight last night (this morning??) after I read bookshop's entry here. What she wrote there and in the comments afterward really struck a chord with me- especially about Eames's and Arthur's relationship.

"...Eames, forever, cheerfully, holding out his hand to Arthur, with utterly no expectation and no hope of return. There's something cold and ultimately so sad in that metaphor."

I couldn't get the image out of my head. That line and the descriptions of each character's psyche were beautiful. I really hope they get a happy ending.

Overall it was a very personal, reflective post. But she chose to share that, amongst many other things like her current & highly contagious enthusiasm for the Inception fandom in her journal, which I find very admirable. :) This was the least I could do after such a somber post.

Oh! And in artsy commentary notes... completely different style! o_O "Is the artist even the same person??" Aha, I guess I figured my coloring style in the last pic was rather... "painterly," so might as well skip the entire lineart stage. I had no ideas for backgrounds yet again and I'm suspecting Eames/Tom Hardy's eye color will change with every picture I draw. xD

Didn't want to kill anyone's computer, so here's a link to the pic in it's original size (s'huge!)

That should be all for now. So much to do- I haven't even gone through Prompt Round #5's sixty-something pages yet-! D:

art, inception

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