Title: Means To An End
Author: Vicki/ Kimori1024
Characters: Nine/Rose
Rating: ADULT
Authors Note: Too long to be a drabble, too short to be a one off. Anyway, just popped into my head ;) Smutty and fun and complete PWP. Enjoy! Now back to work on more substantial fics... lol
Rose had no idea why she'd entered the console room naked... )
Comments 6
Good God woman, your mind is worse than mine heehee - and now I'm off to put the mental images to good use...by writing another Nine smutfic...
Glad you liked it! I hope it inspired more Nine smut!Fic (as you can never have too much lol)
No, course not - whatever made you think that LOL
'I'll have to enlist Nine to administer punishment ^_^'
Pass him here when you're done ;)
'I hope it inspired more Nine smut!Fic@
Heehee - what other kind is there *bats eyelashes innocently and grins*
Heehee - what other kind is there *bats eyelashes innocently and grins*
Why none of course ;) lol
*2 hot, smutty Nine fics in one night causes Solar to lose coherent speech*
That was good, really good....
*lies back, lights cigarette*
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