Jan 05, 2010 00:03
- 00:27 Audio: Me singing “Maybe” from “Annie”. The sad thing is that I only upped the pitch one half-step in... tumblr.com/xcs582quh #
- 02:12 cross out what you have, italicize what you want - (via jaggedfragments) 1. A cellphone. 2. A hair... tumblr.com/xcs585cti #
- 07:47 lol shit how am I supposed to know who wins that GoMerch contest? This is my only computer class of the day. And my phone's dead. :| #
- 16:51 Photo: (via alcoholicgifts) tumblr.com/xcs58p5kx #
- 20:12 lol - Tumblarity from 100 to 22 in
a few hours. Lol. tumblr.com/xcs58vvyc # - 20:16 @ HarryPotterFilm You're purposely doing this when most people are at school, right? #
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