One more stuff taken from
chibi_chelsea's journal...
if i were a month i would be: December
if i were a day of the week i would be: Sunday
if i were a time of day i would be: 12.00 midnight
if i were a planet i would be: Saturn
if i were a sea animal i would be: a dolphin
if i were a piece of furniture i would be: a sofa
if i were a sin i would be: lust
if i were a liquid i would be: water
if i were a tree i would be: a very big canopy tree
if i were a flower/plant i would be: a fern up on a big tree
if i were a kind of weather i would be: a rainy day
if i were a musical instrument i would be: a flute
if i were an animal i would be: a dog
if i were a color i would be: blue
if i were a vegetable i would be: salad
if i were a sound i would be: the sound of wind
if i were a food i would be: an ice-cream
if i were a place i would be: Mount Kinabalu in Sabah
if i were a material i would be: a microchip
if i were a taste i would be: sweet
if were a scent i would be: lavender
if i were a word i would be: intelligence
if i were a body part i would be: the right hand