Title: The First Knot
Rating: PG-13
rawles "Is this really necessary?" Mai deadpanned, and shifted closer to Zuko so that she could use his shoulder as a cushion for her head. Her voice was soft and hollow in the vastness of the throne room.
3400 words )
Comments 11
It was exactly what I wanted! Mai and Zuko and their relationship and dealing with the world after the war.
I think my favourite part is Mai listening in on the drunken generals, etc. and their SHIT-TALKING.
In conclusion: hearts. the end.
♥ ♥ Thanks!
I love the scene where a soldier is chasing her and she is just annoyed, not even caring who he is. Completely un-phased. No big deal - and it wouldn't be when she can stop his heart with a flick of her wrist. They probably would have problems like that, too, people's whose unquestionable loyalty to the Fire Lord refuses to let them disapprove of Zuko but also to accept peace with nations that are barbaric scum.
Them coming together after that scene and the scene with his head in her lap are the best part. That's so romantic and... just perfect.
I'm really glad that you like it. I'm not so good with the political-ness and stuff, so I'm glad it all came off well!
This one line in particular:
And besides, peace was a whole lot less annoying than war.
It is so very Mai and sentiment that more of us need to take up!
She was wonderful. ^_^
The fact that she would be wedded to the ruler of the Fire Nation didn't really concern her; she would be married to Zuko.
Yes, exactly! That is so Mai.
And they, those few men in the war room who stayed late and drank deep, those that didn't see further than their crooked noses, they would watch and stare and criticise, because they were old and wizened, and saw nothing but a pair of teenagers with a job and duties too huge for them to surmount.
She looked forward to proving them wrong.
The orange glow of the sun sank and sank beneath in horizons in the distance, turning everything around it to fire, setting water and land ablaze. More words drifted out of the war room to her ears; words like 'too young', and 'too green' and 'too much to handle'.
It didn't bother her. She wished that they would shut up, perhaps, but as she stroked Zuko's hair and watched the sun set, she found that their voices faded far into the background.
*_* My heart swelled ten times its size when I read this.
"Maybe. I think it means ( ... )
I'm so very glad that you like it! :) lkjklfdjkfjd You're too kind. n///n
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