Haine seems alright. I think I'm going to visit him again soon.
[private/mostly un-hackable]
I guess they're all gone now. I hope this makes Seimei happy.
I feel so alone right now. I really liked having friends. Having Natsuo and the others made me feel like I had people who really cared about me. I ... maybe I was wrong.
I want to live my own life and do what I want; but when Seimei looks at me with those disappointed eyes ... I feel like I've done something wrong. I feel like Seimei wants to be the only one in my life. After everything he's done to protect me, how can I refuse him.
I wish I could talk to Natsuo about it. He always makes so much sense of things when I'm confused. I see Yoh-sensei tomorrow, maybe he'll know what I should do.
I have to keep busy, so I don't think about him. If he doesn't want me then .. then I don't want him either. I don't need to be with anyone, I wasn't attached at all. I don't need Soubi to be here .. I don't want him here.
Ah, Natsuo ... can I pick up extra hours at the shop?
[ooc: mood reads as board.]