Week 09: Submission Post

May 04, 2008 21:05

We still need more votes over at last week's challenge. So vote please! I'll hopefully get to post the results tomorrow.

This week’s theme is The End. This can be interpreted in any way you want. It can be the ending scene of a movie, the last episode of a television series, a breakup scene, someone’s death...anything. It’s really up to you, so be as creative as you'd like!

1. Your icon must be no more than 100 x 100 in dimensions and 40 kb in size. This will be checked as submissions come in, but it is your responsibility to check beforehand.
2. Your icon is allowed to feature any television show or movie scene, as long as it follows the theme.
3. Your submission must remain anonymous until the challenge results have been announced.
4. You are allowed to submit three icons to this challenge. You may only place once, however, unless you have a significant point lead.

Please submit your icon in the following format:


Icons due Friday May 9th.

week 09: the end

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