RCA Personal Questions

Mar 26, 2010 00:42

Personal Questions

1. How do you define honesty?

Honesty? Well honestly I define it as someone who can look you in the eye and speak what they want to speak. Also someone who keeps to the promises they make are really honest.

2. What is your biggest fear or worry?

...My biggest fear...will...forever...Be becoming weak and being unable to protect those close to me.

3. What is the main thing that makes you unique?

My hair, my eye color, the scar on my face, the powers I wield, the fact I'm over 3,000 years old...Also I'm the king of Thieves.

4. If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?

Ra, Ryou, and everyone else in the house...Ra can take care of himself so I'd probably focus on Ryou. But if it has to be a object....My laptop...to keep in touch with Squalo and so he can't yell my ear off through the phone for letting the apartment get harmed....

5. What facial expression or movement do you do when you are lying?

If I told you that people would know when I'm lying! But I suppose it doesn't matter... the only way to tell when I'm lying is if I trace my scar....

6. What is the oldest item you own?

My coat...it used to belong to my Father....So it's older then even I am.

7. If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive?

A chance to see my family again after I die. I know that's not a object but it's one of the main things I want. I'm naturally greedy person...Thief, duh So it doesn't matter...They don't even have to give me anything...Just be there.

8. What does it mean to have courage?

As told in “To Kill a Mocking Bird” I believe Courage is facing something with your hardest even though you know you can't win at the start.

9. Do you like your name?

Hell Yes.

10. Do you have a nickname? What is it?

Not really...Piper likes to call me “Thief” Seth calls me that too...Jounouchi calls me Kura....Oh riku and Yuffie call me King Popsicle...Don't ask....Just...Don't ask.

11. If you could have any special magic, what would it be?

I don't need anymore...But I always wanted to fly once...No...Wait...I could do that too...Hmm..Nope, I'm good...

12. If you had three wishes, what would you wish?

One. For my loved one's to live long happy life's, Two. Like I said before to see my family one more time after death, Three. For Atem's soul to be with his lovers and friends...And not burn up. I don't care about mine but he really doesn't deserve most of the shit he gets plus knowing whats happening in the after life.

13. What is your greatest strength?

Zorc says it's my anger but I think it's when you really want to protect someone.

14. What is your worst weakness?

I get angry very easily.....And it's hard to let things go....

15. If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge?

Kill myself....God I don't want that....

16. Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?

I tend to think a lot about the Past but the Present is filled with so many new things...but truthfully I am also looking forward now to the future and what I can do. I don't have a favorite....

17. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Where I am but with Squalo? Oh, graduated too...And with a job....And maybe a kid

18. Who is the one person that helped to make you who you are today?

My Father, Atem, Jin, and Mariku....From the past. My father has always been someone you can never forget and that's no different for me. He taught me how to be strong and how to honor a person even though you got to dig through their tombs, others don't fully understand it....

Mariku taught me how to trust people, also how friends are more important then believed at first.

Jin was my teacher....He trained me in aerobatics and how to keep fit, flexible, and balanced...Also taught me how to hide my image and act...I have a natural acting ability though.

Atem taught me how to love again even after all the shit that's happened and taught me to think more...AMAZING RIGHT? Also taught me what my father always tried to get through my head, you can't judge someone by their relations...

19. If you were punished for a crime, what type of punishment would you choose?


20. Describe a time you got into trouble.

One time? When I stole from the palace and got caught...that was awful....

21. What do you do when you first wake up in the morning?

Wake up, make coffee, take a shower, Drink coffee, eat steak, feed cat, and talk to Squalo.

22. What makes you a good person?

I'm a good person? It's hard for me to see myself in that way....

23. What would your obituary say?

I don't want it to say anything....Just....Truth be told I rather not have a funeral and all that....I don't care what happens to my body after I die...maybe burn me and take my ashes to where I originally died.

24. What is your greatest regret?

Hurting people...not being able to save others...Letting Zorc control me, Letting the shadows control me, hurting Ryou....So many things.

25. How would you describe standing on a beach looking at the ocean?

The smell, the beauty of watching the sun or moon reflecting off the sea along with the skies above giving it's waters a glorious color....the Sand against my feet so reminding of Home but not quite...hearing of that freedom all birds own...as they fly to catch their next meal...

26. What is your favorite outfit to wear?

A red Trench, Steel toe boots, and lots of gold, also loose fitting pants.

27. What do you do when you are driving alone in a car?

Go as fast as possible and crank up the music.

Love and Friendship Questions

28. If a friend is being bullied or harassed by someone, what do you do?

Beat the crap out of them....

29. Reflect on the characteristics of your best friend. What makes him or her so special?

He's very strong and noble...he's not the type to abandon his friends for his own sake or lie without reason....he's always their.

30. Has anyone close to you passed away?

I would say so....Around 200 people.

31. Describe a time you fell in love.

Shit I'm not answering such a sappy question....

Okay Squalo says I should....

Well...I was craving that feeling...having lost it but although my mind said to avoid love I craved it, I wanted it, I seeked it out...And I thought I found it with one person but something felt wrong...All my relationships felt wrong in some way...and then One day I finally looked into their eyes...and...I found my breath caught in my throat and my mind going numb and I realized this one is THE ONE...He was perfect for me...But me being an idiot it took awhile longer to figure that out as well as a confrontation with all my ex's. I'm still an idiot and it's hard to figure out my own heart and desire and how to tell them apart but he's patient with me...and he knows how to handle me so easily.

Okay answering that question was good for me...But I think I'm getting sappy as all hell...I hope I don't end up shitting bunnies.

32. Can you keep secrets? Describe a time you didn't.

I can, unless I don't want to and it's a danger to those around me. I don't know...I think I kept most...Hm...

33. How do you show your love for others?

I stroke their hair...

34. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Listened...and didn't pity me...

35. If you could become anyone's friend that you want, who would you choose?

Seto, so where not always at each others neck and life would be easier....

36. Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Close ones...I got people I will tlak to but that does not mean they are friends.

37. What is one quality you admire most in others?

the ability to smile so easily.

38. Do you prefer to be with those who are younger or older than you are?

Uh back in the past, older, now, younger...

39. If you could ask me one question, and I had to answer you truthfully, what would you want to know?

Should I cut my hair?

40. What is the meanest thing you have ever done to someone?

Uhhhh....Feeding there soul bit by bit to Zorc...And watching as everything they are slowly dissipates
And feeling absolutely no pity for them....Fucker deserved what he got.

41. Who is one friend from your past you want to reconnect with?

Mira....She was the person who taught me belly dancing and how to control myself...better then before...YES PEOPLE I WAS WORSE AT ONE POINT.

42. When did you kiss for the first time and what was it like?

Ra....I hate you...

Well it was sickening to the stomach and tasted of my own blood...I kissed the person so I could get some water....My firsts at anything I don't think went very well...

But you guys probably want to hear my first Romantic kiss...I was covered in sand and cold, my partner was holding me and me him so we could share warmth....I was actually blushing a bit, I remember blaming it on the cold...We where near a fire and my Panther was wrapped around us her tail curled Around my wrist a bit and the warmth obviously made it a lie but when they pointed this out I told him to shut his mouth. Our eyes connected....and he decided to shut it with his mouth against mine....It was way different...then any other kiss I had....I remember feeling afraid and my heart beating at a rapid pace...it was weird and I acted like such a girl...No worse...like Ryou...JUST KIDDING RYRY.

43. Describe an activity that you think is truly romantic.

Enough of these! No! Denied! NOT ANSWERING!

44. If you were to write a love note to your sweetheart, what would it say?

I love you....

45. When you are in trouble, whom do you call for help?

I don't...But if I had too...Squalo or Atem, mostly Atem.

46. Who are the people you love the most?

Family and Friends.

Worldly Questions

47. If you could speak any language, what would it be and why?

Italian...Because I'm married to one.

48. If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

The Ring, BAR

49. What is the one thing that you feel most passionate about?

My life and My Hikari.

50. If you lived in the pioneer days, would you have traveled west or stayed put in the east?


51. Which is your favorite non-profit organization? What do you do to help them?

I don't know many...I give a little to them all...

52. If you could travel to space, would you go?

The moon

53. If you could move anywhere, where would you go and why?

I don't know...either Russia, because it sounds awesome, Italy, Because squalo loves it there, Or Egypt, because I love Egypt...Always have and Always will.

54. Would you want to travel the world on a boat in the sea?

No, I actually am not very....close to water...It's tolerable...Just...not used to it

55. When you travel away from home, do you miss it?

Depends where I'm traveling, I miss people of course but if I'm traveling from one home to another, like Egypt, I don't really miss it.

56. What is the greatest crisis we face as a world?

Same as Ryou and Atem....

57. Describe your favorite vacation.

TO EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!! SANDS, HEAT IN MORNING, COLD AT NIGHT, And you learn how WONDERFUL water and GREEN is!!!

58. If you could write your own bill of rights, what would you include?

I think it's good as it is...PLUS!!! Add in the right to shoot stupid precedents, just kidding.

59. What is going on today in the world that affects you the most?

Nothing, really.

Health Questions

60. What bad habit would you be willing to give up if it guaranteed you would live to be 100?

Drinking, smoking, drugs, are all up for giving up but the habit of endangering my life for the sake of my own amusement is just not happening!!!

61. What is your favorite thing to eat?

Raw Meat...

62. What is one food that you will not eat?

I don't like Sweets much...

63. What is your favorite way to exercise?

Dodging traps in tombs! And Out smarting the law.

64. If you had to choose to be blind or deaf, which one would you pick?

Deaf, because I can read a persons lips to find out what there saying but not being able to see their face seems horrendous to me.

65. Have you ever been to a hospital? Why?

NO! HA! Because I'm a tough cookie, unless you count the medical wing...then yes...I have...Becuase I was bleeding to death...

66. If you could have someone else's face, whom would you choose?

I like my face...

67. Describe a vivid dream you have had

All my dreams good, bad, sexual, are vivid

68. What physical feature do you least like about yourself?

The scars on my back, although I hid them. And...Sometimes my hair...In the past I got called Apothis's Devil child A lot...it was really annoying..

69. Would you want to know the exact day of your death?


Work and Career Questions

70. If you had to pick one hero, who would it be?

My Father... he was honorable and would be disappointed with some of the decisions I have made. He is a better man then I ever will be.

71. If you could pick one thing to change about your school or job, what would it be?

Make the school SMALLER

72. What are most proud of?

Conquering my own darkness.

73. Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

Big fish in a little pond....

74. Describe a time when you wanted to quit, but didn't.

Many times...now even sometimes I think about it...but I never go through with it.

75. Mention one goal. When do you hope to accomplish it?

To save as many lives as I have taken....before I die...

76. Is competition good for you?

YES, I love it....

77. If you could study anything you wanted in school, what would you want to learn more about?

Mechanics, and carpentry, so I can fix my own apartment.

78. What is something you learned in school that you think is useless to you today?

Today? Many things, in the future, I think I can use everything I have learned.

79. When someone fails at something, what should he or she do?

try again.

80. If you could pick any career, what would you want to be?


81. Do you want to be famous?


Entertainment Questions

82. If you could become a character in a TV show or movie, who would you chose to be?

I don't know...

83. What is your favorite outside activity?

Horseback riding...

84. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?

Christmas, and with family and a nice warm fire...

85. What is your favorite sport? Do you play or just watch?

Boxing, we don't have a sport program so I just watch.

86. Have you been on a roller coaster? What did it feel like?

No, Don't know.

87. If you had to spend a day not using any technology, what would you do?


88. Describe the perfect party.

A place where there is high energy and lots of people.

89. What is your favorite type of art?

Statues made from gold.

90. What sport do you think you are the best at?

No clue, probably Football or Track.

91. Do you play an instrument?

Electric Guitar, Haven't played it much lately but it used to pass the time really well, Isis gave it to me so I wouldn't bring so many Whore's to the house....What she didn't realize was that Nothing usually happened and no payment was involved.

92. Which is your favorite song?

Music by Linkin Park or MSI I really like Linkin Parks (best sound I could find of the song) With You

93. If you could be a cartoon character, who would you want to be?

Cartoons? Peguses....ew...

94. Do you know any jokes? If so, tell me one.

A man walks into a room and takes a seat, he seems very happy, so happy in fact it's almost creepy, the people of the bar ask him what makes him so happy. The man beams at them and tells them he has just bought a new horse and that the horse has the most wonderful fur and they ask him how fast the horse can go. The Man says not very fast but the horse rarely needs water and as a built in seat! The men in the room decide from that say forth that ignorance truly is bliss.

I'm not really in a joking mood...

95. What is the one thing that makes you laugh the hardest?


Family Questions

96. What makes your family unique from others?

My family consists mostly of my own soul...and we all have white/silver hair...Even mu husband...and it's all long...

97. When you think back to your childhood, what was the hardest part about being a kid?

….Survival....So EVERYTHING

98. What are some of your family's traditions?

I don't think we got any...besides not letting me into the kitchen....But I think that's a rule for then tradition...

99. Do you know how you got your name?

I was named after the man my father got his education from “Akefia” and Bakura has been a name passed down from father to son for centuries.

100. Are you like your parents or different? How?

I look like my dad but I have my moms hair and my eyes are a mix of my moms blue eyes and my dads red. I'm like my dad in my straight forward ways but I have a hot head like my mom...As I grow up I look more and more like my dad, it's really weird...I keep expecting my hair to turn black.
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