Ooc: I didn't place this in the main channel becuase it doesn't have much to do with the roleplay, just something I wanted to write down, and yet keep open for your viewing pleasure. It does however concern AKEFIA! Ever wondered what he was like before RCA and what happened? here's a little bit of the past. And there will probably be more...
See being who I am, this slow way of working for money was just not working for me. I realized already that any cash I gained Illegally would never be accepted by Ishizu (who I owe a shit load of money too) but not having any at all was giving me this trapt feeling. I was being suffocated by my boring little life. And yet I had this tiny problem...See I didn't know shit back then about most of this eras technological advances. It made being a thief extremely hard. I wasn't nearly as technologically inept as Atem but I wasn't good enough to out smart some of the more sophisticated alarm systems.
I needed a teacher...
So I decided to go out and find me one. And ironically there was a very techno savvy guy looking for one with my particular talents. And of course this grand meeting happened in a bar, one of the best underground bars there is! It was back in Egypt and the air was cool thanks to the night sky. The stars shined brightly as ever and the crime was rampant. The poor and homeless would fight over whatever grain of oat they could acquire. To say the least, if you where looking for someone rough, tough, and heartless this was the place to find them.
I myself was there because Ishizu had kicked me out of the house after I attempted to steal her mothers pendant. It's a nice pendant, she should be honored I tried to steal it, means there's some real worth to the piece! Anyway, if I was going to have to sleep on the streets I thought about how I might as well not do it alone.
But sadly that day the usual whores and sluts had decided to not come by my little haven. So I ended up sitting there most of the night nursing one of my many glasses of whiskey trying to see how intoxicated I could get before my body collapsed, which might I add wasn't happening nearly fast enough!
It was then that he came in. He really stood out being a rather tall and lanky figure and being dressed in such a nice suit and tie. It really was hard to tell whether he was a nerd or a businessman...wait isn't there a name for someone that's both? I can't really bring it to mind right now but I'm pretty sure their is...
Well anyway, he was looking around the room while everyone else, including me, was starring at him with our darkest looks. See there is a reason his type don't enter our joint...we don't like his type. it comes from years of being called thugs and buffoons.
But the guy was as smart as he looked! Cept not in the brainy school way, but in the street fashion. See he bought us all a drink. Which quickly changed the atmosphere from that of a "imma kill you twig" to a "Let's buddy up to this guy with the moola! WE MIGHT GET MORE DRINKS!" I on the other hand had different thoughts. I waited until he was about to leave and fallowed him out and all the way to his home.
I then stayed around the house, stalking about it for a long while as I worked out on how to enter. See a guy that rich surely had some money stashed away, or all of it, within his house. I wanted that cash...Plain and simple as that. And nothing was going to stand in my way. Except for the alarms, the dogs, the barred windows, the guards, oh and the guns that the guards where carrying. And I'm not talking about the wimpy little things. THESE GUNS WHERE HUGE! Rifles and sharp shooters! I think one of the larger beefy guys even had a rocket launcher.
But I wasn't actually worried...I was in thief mode...I was ready to enter that living space and go against any obstacle. Maybe it was all the alcohol but I felt pretty confident that I could beat it all, then again that's how I usually feel. But this was a bit different. You can tell by my writing so far that before I was perhaps a bit afraid. But now I didn't care, it felt like the first time I ever stole from a tomb. I had read all about the alarm systems and the guns and everything and even dealt with them a bit but I was NOWHERE NEAR understanding and coming up with a clever way to beat the system.
Today though I was just going to jump...And See if I lived or died after I reached the floor once more. Of course I knew I couldn't die but living a life of imprisonment as someone's lab rat wasn't very appeasing...And of course that was going to happen. Humans have always wanted immortality but could never reach the goal, they'd strip me to the marrow of my bone to try and figure out how I managed it.
Then night fell and it was the perfect time to act. I had earlier noticed the times where the guards would switch out. This guy was smart though, rather then take the easy approach he had decided to study all of his guards and take in their weaknesses and strengths and judged how long each one of them could stay out and when they would need a break. This meant that some of the guards stayed out for hours longer then others and every edge of the building was still being watched with strict eyes. But their was one weak link who had fallen for a girl who liked to walk her dog and would momentarily loose his concentration. I came up behind him and knocked him out creating myself a blind spot. Of course the gate around the perimeter was also reinforced with electrical fence and barbed wire but that was easily taken care of. I'm not about to go into all the details of how I got through the place, after all every magician has his secrets and thieves are just as bad.
Anyway I got in, although it took awhile to get through the door which needed thumb print, eye scan, and key card. I was only thankful it didn't ask for a code or I would have been in some deep shit.
Now imagine if you where me. You knew the outside of the building but nothing of the inside. This was totally new territory, but that just brought more thrill to the hunt. I would have to carefully look around to try and find the vault where he kept his cash. This reminded me a lot of going into the palace, but even there I at least knew of a few area's I should avoid.
Here everything looked the same. It was hallway after hallway and a camera was located at every corner. I had to move swiftly and keep to the shadows as much as possible. Now, I could of just used Diabounds powers of invisibility but what was the fun in that? This was a challenge on myself and I wasn't about to cheat it with the other worldly powers which I detested.
I ran into few troubles here and there, but then I found an area that was more thoroughly protected then most. I decided to go through these traps. Now the others where pretty wild but towards the end... my god...First I had one of those encrypted code doors that I had to break through. Luckily by then I actually got a good feel for the person of the house and ironically it was a four digit key code. See the guy was really smart, he didn't have one code. He had three codes on one door which would lead you to the password that would get the door open. The password was “Zero” That in numbers is 9999-3377-7666. Yeah there must have been something behind that door, right? Well guess what...all that was behind that door was traps, traps and more traps and then you got to the BIGGEST trap. A very sophisticated trap...See he draped the entire wall, ceiling, and floor with sensors...And Of course they picked up my very breathing and set off the alarms.
Well I already told you, I was in it to win it! I wasn't about to give up now! So I back tracked myself and rather then heading for an exit I went deeper into the area until I found a hallway that was covered by guards. Usually a smart person would avoid this but these guys had seen me and where reluctant to move, I just needed that slight hesitation to know that, over there, was the real vault. So I dived into the area and took down the guards as swiftly as possible before going back through the traps and through the door leading into this giant custom bank area. Yeah I reached my goal...but now I had to find a way to get out along with my loot. Those guys I knocked out wasn't going to stay asleep forever.
I grabbed a bag and entered into the vault and started putting as much cash as possible into it, I also stole a few relics that would make quite a bit of money when I sold them. Now to find my way out. I could hear the banging on the door already and the walls all about me where cement. But I knew something most didn't. People tended to get trapped in Vaults...Private vaults especially. And people would much rather live then loose money. So I went into the vault and checked around. It took awhile and a full length search but I found it. A Switch which opened a trap door to an under ground passage that probably no one but the owner knew about. I entered it and fallowed its passage.
The passage lead me into a underground chamber full of computers and screens and techno stuff I don't even know a name for. And there was the man from the bar sitting back in his leather chair with a big grin on his face. And the first words he said was “Are you going to share some of that?” I wasn't really paying much attention to him though, do to the fact I was the new star on television, his televisions that is. I watched as I tracked myself from the beginning of my ventures to the end before I paid attention to him. He answered me before I could speak. “I have personal camera's all over the place. Been looking for someone talented to help me out so I always set out some bait and then go into this house that I set up as a testing center. And I must say, you passed with flying colors my friend. No ones been able to pass my traps like you. Some have managed to get through the door but as soon as that alarm goes off they run away! You stayed.” he seemed almost in an amazed daze as I recall and clapped his hands. “bravo!”
I was still in stunned silence, not really sure what was going on, not to mention his fashion sense was horrible. I got to say he should of stuck with the suit because a Hawaiian shirt does not go with dull pajama pants and his hair really needed a washing.
After I regained my voice we started to talk, because after all by then I realized that this was the guy I needed and he needed me. It was a give and take relationship, totally worked. And that was when I started my side jobs as a assassin and thief for hire.