Sexy results!

Aug 31, 2005 03:20

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1) Would you ever date metal_tiara? Probably.
2) Is metal_tiara popular? Moderately so. Especially around The Zone.
3) Is _habeeb related to faeriechrissy? Not at all, as far as I know.
4) What flavor of jello would faeriechrissy be? Is there a rainbow flavour?
5) How long would stuffandsuch dating outerpeace last? Uhm... not long?
6) How many monkeys could finalbellyache fight at once and win against? She could hold off a veritable barrel of 'em.
7) If tfwb and imbarelylegal were spliced together, what would it be like? Some bizarre, sexy man-thing.
8) What would synergistica do differently in your shoes? Have a penis?
9) Is metal_tiara friends with outerpeace? Yes.
10) Are acidwarp and finalbellyache going out? No. That'd be an interesting relationship.
11) What mental disorder does tfwb remind you of? All of them.
12) metal_tiara's hair color? Blonde.
13) What video game does finalbellyache remind you of? The Addam's Family.
14) Does hipbone drink? Yes, he sure does.
15) What comic book character would acidwarp be? Green Lantern. Or perhaps Ren Höek.
16) Does peculiah do drugs? Yep.
17) Where did you first meet metal_tiara? Outside the Science Building. To give her a camel.
18) What rank would synergistica have in a giant robot army? Supreme despot commandant.
19) Is brak7103 introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
20) prestiguarde's eye color? No clue. Blue?
21) Is tfwb related to you? Nuh-uh.
22) What is tfwb's favorite game? Put the alcohol in the short man.
23) What would you do if cheese_man_ died? Be sad?
24) Is floydwood single? I think so.
25) Does metal_tiara travel a lot? No, not really, I don't think.
26) Is _ogmios in a relationship? Nope.
27) What word best describes _habeeb? Spirited.
28) What would acidwarp give peculiah for his/her birthday? A hug.
29) If _ogmios was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? An army of midgets with a collective consciousness.
30) Does kayapapaya have a dog? No, I don't believe so.
31) Have you ever dated mcpelley? Nope.
32) What would acidwarp think of hipbone? He loves 'im!
33) What is brak7103's favorite food? No idea.
34) Has _ogmios been to your house/dorm? Yes, plenty of times.
35) If mochachinoslut took over the world, who would be happy? Him.
36) What is hipbone's biggest flaw? He's too damn tall.
37) What do you disagree with _ogmios about? Women's rights, probably.
38) What would you do if you found out kayapapaya has a crush on you? Aww, shucks...
39) If faeriechrissy were hanging off a cliff, what would gypsylandslide do? I'm sure she'd make some attempt to save her.
40) Where was metal_tiara born? Newfoundland. (A cheap out, I know, but my memory's terrible.)
41) Would gypsylandslide and metal_tiara make a good couple? Uhh, no. Not really.
42) Did synergistica break up with you? *sob* Way to put salt in the old wounds.
43) When did you last call acidwarp? I don't like the phone.
44) Where was finalbellyache born? Newfoundland.
45) Is outerpeace a nerd? Totally.
46) If cheese_man_ and stuffandsuch were spliced together, what would be its name? Krys Cheese.
47) What is _habeeb's shoe size? I'll guess 11.
48) Is synergistica 1337? z0 1337 ][7 |-|3r7z.
49) Which of your friends should imbarelylegal go out with? Uh... one who a) has a, and b) likes the, cock.
50) Do floydwood and tfwb go to the same school? Yes.
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