Trust me, I hate this as much as you do... But it's time to get it out of the way, and seeing as how the Elections are just around the corner, I figured get it out of the way now and have it done and over.
Hokay, let me start by saying, I'm a CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRAT (yeah, it's an oxymoron, but remember, I was in MILITARY INTELLIGENCE).
Let's start with "THE WAR IN IRAQ". (Ohhh.... hot button topic, bringing out the big guns early are we???) I support our troops 110%, but I say bring them home now! We have more pressing domestic issues, more important than engaging in what I consider a War of Attrition. The reason I call it that, is because there has been no real progress since Saddam's Execution in 2006. We keep throwing waves of troops at a never ending supply of guerilla soldiers (or as the current administration and the media labels them: Insurgents), and for what, to sit around and tally the oil money that never seems to relieve the ever growing petroleum costs???
We went in 5, yes FIVE, years ago, claiming to be searching for WMD's. Never found any, sure we got Saddam to abandon his goverment post But to what end, just so we could take pictures of some statues being pulled down, and sitting on 14 kt toilet seats??? Gold shitters hardly constitute WMD's (unless it's backed up after chilimac night at the D-fac...)
Now, it's 2008, and the casualty counter keeps ticking upward. No weapons, just a bunch of locals, lobbing small ordinance and car bombs every other day... I say, let's leave Iraq to itself, they have a government in place, why do we need to be there??? (But Daniel, we're instilling DEMOCRACY in these bass ackward peoples, everyone knows DEMOCRACY is really impotant, even if it is only until we get bored and wanna go play on the swing set instead of the sand box!!!!) We gave them the Lego set, and went over the intructions with them, let them build it and let's go fix our own home issues for now...
Anyways, on to topic numbah 2, DOMESTIC ISSUES!!!
I wake up everyday, to turn on the news, and I'm growing more concerned with this country has come to. Drugs in my neighborhoods, Transfats in my Oreo's, and pantyless popstars (or wannabe popstars [points laser pointer at picture of Paris Hilton]) on my magazines. I've got bigots beating up people for no reason than the color of their skin, or who they chose to love, and I wann puke my pancreas out it disgusts me so. Children are getting fatter, and losing what it means to be a kid. I admit, I play video games, and watch ALOT of TV, but dammit, I read more than I do either. I've meet kids who's only exposure to modern lierature, was the text scrolling across the TV screen while playing Final Fantasy. (Yes Jimmy, I am impressed that you reached level 48 in only 10 days, but my question is can you tell me who Geore Washington is???)
The drug problems that face us, methinks that "Just Say No!", and "D.A.R.E." have gone the way of the dodo... I mean what happened to these programs? Did the meth labs and coke heads steal all the publications and use them to cook their crap and snort their shit??? Hell, I've seen more drug abusers in the last 2 years than I ever dreamed possible. And what frightens me is that these people KEEP GETTING THE DRUGS!!! No matter how much we've stived to eliminate illegal substances, it hasn't worked... And I'm not talking wimpy stuff like marijuana, and shrooms; I mean shit like heroin and cocaine, shit that has to be brought in from foreign places... It's like for every pound we impound, 1000 pounds slipp in behind our backs. All the while the government says what stides we've made by stopping this one shipment... ACK!!!
Stay Tuned for tomorrow's installment!!!