Title: Fall
Pairing: Sora, Riku, Kairi
Summary: He's afraid of what will happen when he falls. Written for Prompt #27 Fear.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
He's the keyblade master, the savior for all of the worlds-- the only one who can defeat the Heartless. He can't stumble, can't mess up-- it's not like when he was a child on the islands, losing only his pride to Riku, because, this time, is he does, a whole world is at stake, and more soon after. It's not like in the video games either, where he can just push 'continue' and then go on as if nothing had ever happened.
Besides, he was never any good at video games.
If he stumbles, falls, the Heartless win. Maleficent wins. Xemnas wins. Whomever it is, they win, and the worlds die. He would let the worlds down.
He would let Kairi and Riku down.
But when he finally does stumble, then fall, it isn't like what he pictured, what he feared.
The worlds aren't destroyed, his friends are not lost. Instead--
They're right there besides him, ready to pick him up again.
Title: Bright Red
Pairing: Sora/Namine, kinda of.
Summary: Doesn't she deserve love? Written for the prompt #68 Truth @
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
She's the princess of this fairy tale, Namine tells herself as she draws away his memory with her thin crayon. Bright red, his heart, bleeds across the paper connecting him with her. It's right, she tells herself, it must be, has to be. She deserves the prince's affections, after being alone for so very long, doesn't she?
So she pushes away the true princess, fades her memory into the fog with a murky black, and draws in another one, a new one, all the while comforting herself with those simple words.
But somewhere deep inside of her, a small part that connects her to the faded, forgotten princess, knows that what she's doing is wrong, and knows she'll never be anything more then the prince's false mistress.
Title: Poison
Pairing: Axel, Mulan.
Summary: She doesn't trust him, not for even a second. Written for prompt #69 Dare at
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
"Why, hello princess,"he greets her, a false, lazy grin plastered onto his face.
She doesn't trust him the moment she hears him. There's something about this man, something about his unusual, unheard of fire-red hair and black coat with too-much metal that's wrong, off-- not quite right.
"Of course, you're not really a princess,"he continues conversationally, his fingers just barely twitching,"But close enough, right?"
She doesn't know what he means by that. That look he sends her is supposed to be friendly, that she does know, but it fails-- the acid green of his eyes are too poisonous to be kind. He doesn't fit in this garden of soft pinks and greens. He doesn't belong here. She knows that much.
"Leave,"she says, too-harsh to be the lady she's supposed to be, and that false grin turns a bit more real.
"Harsh,"he comments, then looks up. "but I'm already done here." And before she realizes what's happening, he is gone.
It's only a few weeks later when another in the same black outfit arrives, with the also strange, but trustable Sora coming soon after. And when he speaks of the Organization, she can't bring herself to dare tell him of the man with fire-red hair and poisonous eyes.
Title: Hero
Pairing: Sora
Summary: They call him a hero. He thinks they're wrong. Written for prompt #90 Worry at
kingdom100Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
A hero. A savior. The wielder of the keyblade, Sora has been called this and much more in the short time since he's left the bright, carefree islands where he grew up.
Yet, how could they call him that?, he wonders some dark nights aboard the Gummi ship as they cruise idly through space. How could they call him that, when he let the most important person to him slip away into the darkness? When he let the other most important person to him be spirited away by that same darkness, the darkness he must fight? He had the power to save whole worlds, people that quickly became dear to him, but--
If he couldn't even save the two most important people in all of the worlds to him, how could he be a hero?
Title: Waves
Pairing: Sora/Kairi, Riku
Summary: At nights, he watches. Written for both LMG's birthday and prompt #94 Ocean at
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
At nights, he likes to sit on the shores of the islands. He leans back, legs stretched out before him as he listens to the waves splashing onto the sandy beach.
(listens to lost ones' heartbeat)
She likes to sit with him most nights, her legs curled up besides her. Her hand is near his, not quiet touching, as she gazes at the stars above.
(sea-salt kisses, cherry-red hair, the perfect little sea princess)
Less often, he joins them too. A knowing smile and sad eyes sit on the other side as his hands play with the damp sand beneath him.
(grounded dreamers, can they fly?)
The waves soak them to the bone as they watch, with hands not-quite touching and eyes not-quite seeing.
(and even if they're not completely happy--)
They are content.