Layout Challenge #01~~!!!

May 28, 2006 11:39

Hey hey! I know I announced this on the entry post for week 12, but I kept forgetting to make it a post of it's own! So here we are!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired of this layout! So I'm putting you guys to the challenge!! You are to create a layout for this community--any kind of layout you want!

Use images from Kingdom Hearts and related titles only. It would defeat the purpose if you have pictures of like... Digimon... for a KH community xD you are allowed to include pictures of the Disney and Final Fantasy characters, but it must be their KH forms. It must be compatable for a free account (unless someone is feeling generous xDDD)

When you have finished making the layout, feel free to post here with a screen cap of it (make sure to include the header, links to userinfo, memories, etc., comment links, and stuff like that in your screen cap so we can see how it would function) or a link to your test journal (if you can't leave it up for as long as the contest is open, tell me so that I may screencap it!)

Comments are screened. You have.. until week 20 to get in your submissions (I currently have one!) So get making! Any questions, ask me or Tsukiguujin or leave a comment here on this screened post!
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