Here is the sign up for Drive 2!! I know: THIS IS TERRIBLY LATE!!! (Cries) So I'll just be leaving this open until next month ^_^;;; or... two weeks... depends. But judging on how fast you guys sign up last time, there shouldn't be a problem with getting members to sign up quickly ^__^
Just a few notes before I let you run hog-wild to sign up: + If you are currently participating in Drive 1, please DO NOT sign up for Drive 2 until you have dropped out/been removed. + We need at least 10 members before I start the next Drive. I will see where we are by Wednesday, August 16th before I see how long I should leave it open ^_^ + katamariben is going to be my new co-mod, and I'll leave him to help me with this round as practice before I let him take a full round himself >D (if you could, also, e-mail me (or leave a comment on my LJ) so we can discuss the fine points and all that :D) so welcome him on board!