[Whether or not there was a bar in the DR before, there appears to be one now, a stylish establishment with elegant glass decorations and a fair bit of funky lighting. The main difference to the normal kind might be the Unversed behind the bar itself - a few bottle-shaped ones on the shelves alongside the normal drinks bottles. A list on the wall
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And this Ventus is half curious about this whole 'bar' thing, but he's also extremely wary of the Unversed bottle around, because in his mind, Unversed mean Vanitas is around and that's the last person he wants to run into right now. Nevermind that he'd seen golden eyed him, so it stands to reason there might be more than one Vanitas around. He just doesn't want to run into his because that would be a whole pile of trouble he'd rather avoid. So yes, he'll try and be as quite as possible right now.]
Hi, there.
Oh, yea. People. He feels so pathetic right now, but puts up a happy face.] H-hi.
Wh... T-T-Terra?! [There is so a stare right now and the beginning of a look of utter betrayal. No, haven't noticed the white hair yet.]
Not - exactly. Take it easy.
I- I'm sorry. P-Please... explain if you want?
That's where I come from. I - used to be, was created from, one. His body, at least, without his memories. [He's never been able to work out just how much of his mind, though.] Though if you don't want to believe me, that's your right.
You... How. How were you... I don't... Terra would never give his body over. I think.
First, who told you that? And second - it wasn't his choice. ...When it comes down to it, none of us have as much choice as we want, sometimes.
...Oh. He-He was made to give up his body then? W-Why?
So.. he picked Terra? [He looks down, upset. Because as much as he honestly believes that his friends left him in the dark, He still cares for them. ] Oh. Umm... What's your name if it's not Terra?
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