Jul 30, 2013 18:00
What do you think a single person should spend every day on food?
I think I am spending on average £10-£15 a day depending on what I am doing.
I appreciate that sandwiches made at home could be cheaper, but I'm trying to keep off bread.
Just wondering what other people manage on?
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Comments 8
For me, my average lunch (if I'm not making it for myself) costs about £3-4, and then dinner about the same or maybe less. I try to cook in bulk when I can i.e. make large portions of stews, curries etc, which will do for several days.
Figuring my bowl of granola in the morning is £1 ish a bowl...
Lunch is around £5 ish. It's difficult trying to avoid bread based lunches. Perhaps I would get away with it if I had time to hit the gym regularly...
Dinner is around £5 ish (either pre made meal plus a bag of veg - or pre pack stir fry plus meat and a sauce).
I know I cost myself more through buying smash and grab foods, and also portion sizes...
If I was at home more or suchlike it'd be a bit less.
Let alone bottles of water etc that's still more expensive than diesel - even if that costs me £80 a week at times.
I got out the habit with the hot weather as refreshing as the stuff is, its not nice when its just shy of boiled in the car.
Other than that, I buy the big £2 for a dozen Tesco / Morrison's own brand bottles and they live in the foot wells...
Perhaps it's "chicken and egg" if you diet that you eat less... But... I'm just "aware" what I eat vs my not-very-calorie-burning day job!
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