Feb 24, 2011 00:39

Because I don't have an eidetic memory.


Entrance; logs
Jason Todd / Ichigo Kurosaki/ Arthur / Stephanie Brown
Clark Kent
Solf J. Kimblee
Lightning Farron
Timothy Drake

Approximate timeline:
Jason Todd / Solf J. Kimblee / Clark Kent / Ichigo Kurosaki / Arthur / Timothy Drake / Stephanie Brown / Lightning Farron.

- Exploration; Beach area and towns

Exploration; log
Clark Kent
- Establishing secret identity and gaining knowledge of the island
Riza Hawkeye
- Definitely an ally; further watching recommended but not mandatory; evaluate further on strengths and weaknesses

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Riza Hawkeye
- Military officer; taking charge; potential ally
Ciel Phantomhive
- Approximate headcount; current status of arrivals; method of arrival

Of note; posts (spoken)
- Elusive

- Exploration; forest

Of note; posts (spoken)
- Wolf; worth investigating further
Big Boss (First sighting of Batman)
- Military officer; potentially dangerous - admits to killing; needs further watching for motivations

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Ichigo Kurosaki
- Potential exploration trip; follow

- Exploration; hot springs. Met monsters.

Of note; posts (spoken)
- Innocent; requires babysitting and watching over

- Exploration; farms and fields

Of note; posts (spoken)
Clark Kent
- Establishing of Clark's secret identity; potential of paper to inform the public - removing the influence of uncertain elements and to ensure that accurate information is spread

Of note; posts (spoken + action)
Stephanie Brown
- 'Entry'; establishment of identity
- Specific thread: Training; establishing her timeline and current skills

- ... Stalking people

Of note; posts (spoken)
Karkat Vantas
- 'Written material' in a room; decode asap; (update on status)

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Riruka Dokugamine
- Location of weapons and names of those who are in ownership of them
- Notes: 'Hollows', Ichigo Kurosaki as a 'Shinigami', Ciel Phantomhive with some sort of strange past (check up), Karkat as being 'an alien'. Kurosaki and Dokugamine seem to be from the same world; taking charge to teach others to swordfight (good way of defense)

- Stalking more people

Exploration; log
Ichigo's Exploration Team
- Stalking unseen; (update status as necessary)

Of note; posts (posted)
- Warning the populace about the doll.

Of note; posts (spoken)
Shoudai Tokunaga
- Possible prisoner with ability to disarm (and build) bombs; evasive with questions, suspicious behaviour; keep an eye on

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Alex Mercer
- Mentions of a dead man (Clark investigating: check with); missing person report; more sightings of the Daruma?

- Darumasan no KoronDA Event: events noted in chronological order

Ciel Phantomhive; post (spoken)
- first warning of the dolls turning hostile

Clark Kent; log
- Superman and Batman investigate: Superman is afflicted
- Symptoms: blindness, paranoia, panic attacks

Riza Hawkeye / Castiel; log
- Lieutenant Hawkeye is affected; currently under the care of 'Castiel'. Confiscated her gun until she is lucid again.

Tim Drake; post (spoken)
- Establishing Tim's secret identity and Brucie's location during the event

Rapunzel; log
- Rescuing; symptoms of note: hallucinations

Stephanie Brown / Tim Drake; log
- Saving her from a tree; ensuring Robin's safety

Eames; post
- Another of the afflicted

Clark Kent; post
- PSA Regarding the event, how to win the game, as well as the consequences of losing

Dave Strider / Riruka Dokugamine; post
- More of the afflicted

- Exploring again

Of note; posts (spoken)
Ryou Naruse
- Introduction


Of note; posts (spoken)
Riza Hawkeye
- Recovery; returning of her confiscated gun
Nagi Kengamine
- Entrance; also a 'conversation' with Karkat Vantas

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Adam Milligan
- Hospital found: potential staff and equipment



Of note; posts (spoken)
Solf J. Kimblee
- Testing his limits and his patience as 'Brucie'
Solf J. Kimblee + Brucie
- Warning the island of 'trees': note reactions from the populace; again testing Kimblee's limits and how far he will let this go
Big Boss
- Location of the island in Asia: the Devil's Sea?; possibility of checking out the ruins together

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Itsuhito Hadesu
- Certified doctor on the island: trustworthy or not? Investigate
Bela Talbot
- Checking out the shops on the business district - note them and what they find


Of note; posts (spoken)
Connor Kent
- Entrance; Krypto; this is good news for Tim and Clark - watch the boy further for control over his powers
Stephanie Brown
- Using the rice he'd assigned her effectively; possibility of organization in the future?


Of note; posts (spoken)
Riruka Dokugamine
- Organization: crowd meeting at nightfall; take note; passing current notes on monsters to Dokugamine
Rin Asano
- Possibility of building boats to leave the island; first sign of restlessness
- Seems to have a full recovery; ... cookies
Ryou Naruse
- Language translation theory
Lenalee Lee
- New arrival; extra interest in monsters - reasons?


Of note; posts (spoken)
Clark Kent
- Missing: Alex Mercer, Jason Todd; possibility of Clark abandoning the 'reporter' identity; what happened back when while he was thought dead?

Of note; posts (posted)
- Theory on arrival: what happened between the sensation of drowning and reaching the shore? How did we reach the shore? Why is it that only one or two people remember swimming to shore - what differentiates them from others?

Exploration; log
Big Boss
- Exploring the ruins

- Windfall event: Cargo drop

Of note; posts (spoken)
Jade Harley
- Narcolepsy condition: asking for a doctor
Big Boss
- Can talk to cats; more information about the monsters; finding of the jeeps
Dave Strider
- More disappearances on the island

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Karkat Vantas
- Information on those in his world; Karkat as an unofficial leader of them (? verify)

Exploration; log
Jade Harley / Bridget / Solf J. Kimblee / Rapunzel / Vriska Serket
Shoudai Tokunaga
- Picking up the cargo; take note of what everyone is getting - keep track


Of note; posts (unspoken)
Solf J Kimblee
- 'Something will be coming' - people are, at least, on alert


Of note; posts (unspoken)
- Dolls: confirmed hypothesis that they are received by those who won the game with the previous dolls


Of note; posts (spoken)
Riruka Dokugamine
- Handing out more painkillers

Building/bonding; log
Big Boss
- Building a helicopter; being knocked unconscious by the Big Boss; ramifications of the second. From March 9th-12th, possibly


Of note; posts (spoken)
Bart Allen
- Entrance; interesting data on the Speed Force and his access to it
Harry 'the Master' Saxton
- Entrance; unfazed at the situation - remarkable. Potential danger.
- Entrance; potentially inhuman and hence dangerous. Look out.
L Lawliet
- Untraceable voice - very suspicious. Keep watch, remember the voice. Note time of entrance - try to match a face

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Herbert West
- Painkillers: surgery grade. Keep watch over this man due to his knowledge and potential usefulness

Rescue; log
Jason Todd
- Re-entrance; Family drama - so much of it


Of note; posts (spoken)
Solf J. Kimblee
- Collecting information on people's experience with demons - why?
Mail "Matt" Jeeves
- Suspicions about what the Cargo means; potentially intelligent
Sieglinde Baumgard
- Entrance; computer genius; potentially helpful, but no combat abilities
- Medieval (female) knight; little technological knowledge; has horse and sword

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Rin Asano
- Informing the island about the monsters. Note: redistribute dossier
Ichigo Kurosaki
- Lost in the forest; just found his way back - interesting 'Hollow' transformation

Watching; log
Stephanie Brown
- Robin taking patrols: keep a close watch on her. She met Jason.


Of note; posts (spoken)
Sakura Kinomoto
- Twelve years old; might be influenced by Kimblee; knows Brucie; now living with the Lieutenant
Big Boss
- Return from the dead; confirmation that death is currently impermanent
- Someone who has visited Hell

- Giant Worms: events noted in chronological order, date noted in posts

Rapunzel; post (unspoken)
- First hint of tremors

BATMAN; post (posted)
- Warning the island; first confirmation of Not Earthquake (see Jade Harley, Clark Kent, Riku, Superboy.
- Tavros and Vriska moved to the training hall. Natsuhi offers room for seven more.
- Potential dangers: Naraku - demon, Suien - possibly amoral, Harry Saxon - 'intellectual monster', Kimblee - alchemist
- Jason and Big Boss: first inkling of a connection between them - must watch carefully

Alfred Pennyworth; post (unspoken)post (spoken)
- A wild Alfred appears and it is not Bruce's Alfred. Debriefing. Needs more information on this alternate universe - part of the fifty-two?

Bridget; post (unspoken)
- Landslide; the tremors getting worse. Signs of more to come?

Jason Todd; log
- Red Hood rescuing people: keep note, perhaps watched over for one or two

Riza Hawkeye; post (unspoken)
- Offering gun training: take note of those who take up the offer - potential useful allies and dangers

Anri Sonohara; post (unspoken)
- Consequences of the landslide

Jade Harley; post (unspoken)
- Warning the island about the threat

BATMAN: Rescues; log
- Event plotting post: reference for unfinished threads
- 17th: Sakura - first appearance of worms; Kimblee - nearly exposing identity; Sieglinde - owns a rocket launcher; commissioned to make bombs; Vriska and Tavros - worms at training hall/rescue; Wataru - 'Iron Man'; what weapons does he have?;
- 18th: Jason - saving him from tree, confrontation, BB's gun; Natsuhi - nearly getting punched; Jade - fighting worms together; Bart - meeting near the school
- 19th: Tim - with a gun, confrontation; Karkat - saving him and bringing to hospital; Steph - warning about yellow and rescuing her from worms; Adam - saving Anri and being brought to the hospital
- 20th: Charles - feeding a vampire sugar

Riza Hawkeye / Mukuro Rokudo / Jade Harley / Castiel / Anri Sonohara / Adam Milligan; log
- In the hospital, taking care of wounds

Adam Milligan; post (unspoken)
- Call for those who need medical assistant: hospital in good working order

Big Boss; post (spoken)
- Official warning about yellow; also sniping

Mukuro Rokudo / Sheol; post (spoken)
- Potentially dangerous: ability to posses creatures- what about people?

Karkat Vantas; post (unspoken)
- Warning to trolls about their horns; reaffirming of status

Leonard da Vinci; post (spoken)
- New weapons: crossbows with bolts - useful alternative to guns

Alfred Pennyworth; post (spoken)
- Confirming 'Brucie's' currently missing status

EVENT END; ooc post
- Plushie for souvenir. Thanks, monsters.

Of note; posts (spoken)
- Announcement that the worms are no longer present
Cassandra Sandsmarke
- Entrance; also noteworthy is the upgrade and confirmation of the status of Robin (Stephanie Brown) - she is currently under the care of the Young Justice


Of note; posts (posted)
- Asking for Clark; confirmation of his disappearance

Of note; posts (spoken)
- Confirmation that no one died in the attack; suspicious person
Harry Lockhart
- Entrance; useless detective

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Gamzee Makara
- Noteworthy troll: has been here for some time, but quiet. Possible danger?
The Master / Harry Saxon
- Asking about who is non-human and the year - possibly someone well-versed in time travel?


Of note; posts (spoken)
Sakura Kinomoto
- Asking what happened to those who vanished
Stephanie Brown
- Questioning for escape plans (noteworthy given her disappearance later)
Sieglinde Baumgaud
- Possibilities of monsters that are immune to conventional weapons - she can be useful; thinks like the military


Of note; posts (spoken)
- Entrance; high level of technical skill; currently living with Natsuhi Uroshimiya

Of note; posts (unspoken)
- First post on the network; also presence of Sam Winchester


Of note; posts (spoken)
Ryou Naruse
- Questioning where the materials for the dolls come from
Herbert West
- Looking for ammunition; also mention of formaldehyde and such materials

Of note; posts (unspoken)
Sollux Captor
- Troll with a good relationship with a human; also note relationship with Karkat


Of note; posts (posted)
- Informing that populace that the graves are empty. Of special note: Cassie, Aradia, Chrome Dokuro, Jason, the mess with Big Boss-Anri-Adam-Batman, Sollux-Vriska (and separately), Gamzee, Leonardo

Of note; posts (spoken)
John Egbert
- Left the island and returned - how?


Of note; posts (spoken)
Jade Harley
- Interest in helping; set to distributing vegetables and taking care of the farmlands
Carrie Kelley
- Alternet future (2030) Robin: set her tasks to do, check up on and have her report back
The Master / Harry Saxon
- Possibility of the island being like a gladiator match/a game - which race?

Of note; posts (unspoken)
- Mute, but sentient, wolf?


Of note; posts (spoken)
Terezi Pyrope
- Troll with psychic abilities - able to 'taste' colours. Blind.
Damian Wayne
- Entrance; unexpected changes - set tasks. Check up on periodically

Of note; logs
- Entrance; dangerous-looking orc with healing abilities; potentially useful


Of note; posts (spoken)
Vriska Serket
- 'Kismesis' with Sollux? Worth keeping an eye on
Major Ocelot
- Person from Snake/Big Boss's world; military; currently noted to be useless; very arrogant
Conan Edogawa
- Entrance; only pretends to be a kid - what is he, really? Useful, however.

Of note; posts (unspoken)
The Doctor
- Interesting relationship with Harry Saxon - investigate further
Dean Winchester
- More from Castiel's world - Sam Winchester's brother

Of note; logs
Damian Wayne / Jason Todd
- Tim's exit and his grave; worsening of relations between Bruce and Jason; report from Damian

the devils see, notes, log

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