
Nov 22, 2010 13:34


Tsuzuki was born in 1900, at a time where demons were feared by the common folk. His late mother’s reluctance on sharing who the father was coupled with the odd purple eyes he had, led the villagers to believe he was a demon spawn. They alienated him, threw rocks at him and often treated him as something to fear. His sister was the only light in his world, loving him unconditionally and teaching him how to dance, garden and cook. They lived peacefully on the edge of the village, aside from the discrimination, up until the end of his teen years.

From what can be gathered of what transpired that night was things got out of hand resulting with his sister being injured. Tsuzuki lost himself completely in rage. When he woke up, the village was in flames, and people were dead, including his sister. He threw himself in the fire, wishing to end his miserable existence only to be saved by a Doctor. This Doctor was fascinated with Tsuzuki’s uncanny ability to heal very fast and inability to age. His penniless patient refused to eat, drink or sleep; his mind teetered between vegetative state and insanity. When he was lucid, he tried killing himself repeatedly. This went on for eight years before finally one of his attempts to end himself succeeded.

Not much is said about his life as a Shinigami before the story unfolds with the exception of him went through partners really fast, the longest being no more than two years. He rose in fame amongst the Shinigami as being the most powerful in the JyuOhCho, but being rather useless and difficult to work with. It wasn’t until he got his latest partner Hisoka did he come into Muraki’s spot light. The good Doctor was paid by a greedy woman to bring her daughter alive for profit. They crossed paths at a Church, Muraki recognizing him from his Grandfather’s data.  Muraki would from then on orchestrate a number of deaths and bait to lure in the purple eyed Shinigami. He was perfect in completing the task of restoring the head of a jar that once was Muruki’s brother.

During the Kyoto case, Muruki almost succeeded in his plans. He broke Tsuzuki’s mental state, allowing him to swoop in and snatch him right from JyuOhCho. However Tsuzuki’s self destructive streak surfaced and the Shinigami decided to try to end his own life with Muruki’s. Hisoka braved the dark fires and restored Tsuzuki mentally, while Tatsumi saved them with his shadow technique.

[ Personality ] :

Tsuzuki can be summed up as a fluffy puppy. He’s sweet, cuddly and very friendly, making it hard to dislike him. He is kind of a glutton and often is found sneaking off of work to purchase a special treat as shown right before the first cast with Hisoka. One of his mottos is to have a dessert after every meal and is usually denied or interrupted much to his displeasure. Tsuzuki puts off work as long as he can until he is either bullied or bribed by someone.

On the job, he’s a walking hypocrite of a Shinigami. His cases usually pertain to investigating why those who should be dead are still alive. Cases completed means that the life is gone and he often reflects on his actions as shown during the Maria Wong case. It piles onto the tremendous amount of guilt he has humming past his happy surface. The idea of hurting someone bothers him greatly.

The surface personality isn't false by any means, as pointed out by Tatsumi. He truly means to be optimistic about the outcome for others. If it means sacrificing himself or his feelings then he will do all he can to protect those around him. Hisoka has pointed out what an idiot he is for making careless promises to save everyone around him. Especially when he beats himself over being unable to uphold the promises, like during the Devil's Trill case. He hates himself and questions his worth when his emotions boil over. It's during those times he looses partners because his self destructive streak is difficult to handle.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

  • His happy personality usually puts people at ease.
  • He knows how to use O-fuda for barriers, flying, or "purifying" evil.
  • Can summon one of twelve Shikigami.
  • Quick heal.
  • Very energetic.

  • Hates himself.
  • He can still be injured.
  • His friends.
  • Cinnapon/other treats.
  • Conversation revolving his possible heritage.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Demons have an interest in him because he killed one of their ranks.

[ Sample ] :

He drew far too much attention so he got help from one of the girls from the office to go through the Cake Café’s line for him. The meeting place was beneath a tree right around the corner from the shop. The feel of the sun warm against his form and the swaying of the trees eventually lulled Tsuzuki to sleep.

What woke him was the scent of something sweet baking nearby. He pulled himself to his feet and nearly stumbled. His trench coat was saturated with water. Purple hued eyes looked him self over before finally looking around. This wasn’t the city any more. Eyes widened before panic started to settle in. Where was he? Was this a trap? And why couldn’t he have his cake first?

The trench coat was slid off and folded over an arm. Tsuzuki should prioritize getting dried and sending a messenger bird, but the smell that aroused him was getting stronger. He didn’t ponder his choice long as he decided to follow his nose. After he had his treat, he’ll figure out where he is and if anyone was close by. Past the carefree attitude, he was cautious in case it was a trap of some sort. It didn’t smell like a certain Doctor, but it could be something a demon laid out in order to kill him.

[Accidental video]
[The SFC was bumped as he reached over to snag a piece of cake from the plate. Those viewing get to see the light fixture for the booth in a café.]
This pie is the best. [The way he sounded, it was like a little piece of heaven. His hand came in view as he reached for his coffee, before he paused, realizing it’s on. Picking up the SFC, he aimed it at himself, giving a silly grin.] I guess I should be more careful. [Sheepish look before the feed was cut off.]

Dear_mun interaction
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