Oi, no need to threaten GBH, la. I'm a lover, no a fighter. I thought you two was just a cup of tea and a blowthrough. My mistake. But it'll be over in a tick, luv. And when it does, Kingsley will be there waiting for her with a sympathetic shoulder, if ye know what I mean.
Is that Lily bird still free then? Maybe she's into what the ol' King is selling.
Am I now? Well, Miss Bossie Britches, I think you're just a bit fed-up that I'm not showering my attentions on you.
But we can fix that. C'mon then, aren't ya bored wi' old Gildy yet? He's a right little ta-ta, that one, bit of a divvy, eh? You need a proper gent, right? Dear Kingsley is the man for you, luv.
Oi now, 'Faldy, you're getting all hysterical like. I ain't interfering with ya, just pullin' ya a bit. All in good fun, right?
I wouldn't want you to send that nance bloke o' yours after me. He might do me up, eh? Less I can get out a good Floribunda charm before he can turn me into a jam butty.
But if he did turn me into a jam butty, you could eat me. Wouldn't that be a laugh? Gettin' yer nosh on with the King. Yeah.
Comments 20
hands off her, you. Or you shall face the James of doom.
Is that Lily bird still free then? Maybe she's into what the ol' King is selling.
But we can fix that. C'mon then, aren't ya bored wi' old Gildy yet? He's a right little ta-ta, that one, bit of a divvy, eh? You need a proper gent, right? Dear Kingsley is the man for you, luv.
You, me, Astronomy Tower in ten.
I wouldn't want you to send that nance bloke o' yours after me. He might do me up, eh? Less I can get out a good Floribunda charm before he can turn me into a jam butty.
But if he did turn me into a jam butty, you could eat me. Wouldn't that be a laugh? Gettin' yer nosh on with the King. Yeah.
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