[OOC - Player/Character Meme]

Jul 04, 2011 16:32

Player Name: SilvorMoon, aka Beth

Age: 30

Time Zone: US Eastern

Characters Played: Jack Atlas

How long have you been roleplaying?
Oh, geez... a long time? Gotta be five or six years, on and off.

Is there a style of writing or point of view that you prefer?
I tend to prefer third-person past tense over "action" style present tense, but I can adapt to just about anything.

Do you have any goals you wish to accomplish in this game? (i.e. Improving writing, making friends, experimenting with writing styles, etc.)
I'm hoping to meet some new people and generally be a bit more sociable. This will be my first try playing this particular character, so that will be a learning experience, too.

Any weird/interesting quirks, as a writer/roleplayer?
None that I know of...

Do you have any squicks or things you absolutely would not do with your character?
I'm not too good at doing hardcore sex/violence type things.

Are there any things in particular you want to explore with your character?
Jack's always struck me as straddling a fine line between good and evil. Despite being one of the heroes and basically well intentioned, he always seems to be straying a little towards the dark side, and the dark side always seems to be hanging around him and offering him cookies. This seems like a pretty good venue to play around with that tension.

What kind of themes/tropes interest you as a writer?
I must admit that I've always enjoyed doing prophecies and dreams. So this should be fun.

Anything else we should know about you? Nothing I know of...

Character Name: Jack Atlas

Canon: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, tending towards asexual. All things considered, he'd rather play cards

Relationship Status: Depends on whether you ask him or Carly. He's still probably a bit in love with her, in his way.

1. Is your character religious or believe in gods?
Religious? No. Believe in gods? Yes. Really, what choice does he have when they keep popping up in front of him wanting him to do stuff for them? His particular patron god is the Crimson Dragon, an Incan star dragon entity who he served as one of its chosen warriors, and who occasionally does him favors in return (like sending him one-use-only magical cards or resurrecting dead girlfriends). Not that he's particularly worshipful of it (he's more in favor of being worshiped) but they have a good working relationship most of the time. Given that he consideres his soul to be a red demon, you can guess that holiness and sanctity aren't high on his list of values.

2. How affectionate is your character/receptive to affection?
Not very. Jack does not do affection - not of the hugs and cuddles kind. If someone he loves is in danger and it's a choice between them dying or him dying in their place, he'll take the latter option without a second thought, but don't expect him to get all mushy about it. He is willing to tolerate a certain amount of affection from other people, though that varies on a person-to-person basis, so if you try it you're taking chances and your odds aren't that great.

3. Bad habits
Pretty much everything he does? He's arrogant, self-centered, reckless, lazy, has a hair-trigger temper, not very good at getting along with other people... the list goes on.

4. Biggest fear
Being powerless or insignificant.

5. Biggest regret
Jack Alas does not do regrets! ...Okay, he is kind of sorry he turned his back on Satellite and took Goodwin's deal. And he does wonder if things might have been better if he had allowed Carly to come and fight evil with him instead of thinking she'd be safe if he left her behind. In retrospect, those seem like pretty stupid things to have done. Don't expect him to admit any of this out loud.

6. Your character has three wishes. What do they wish for? Why?
The last time someone offered him a wish, he wished for total overwhelming crushing power. And got it. So he's pretty happy on that score, for the moment, though that's not the sort of thing you're liable to run out of uses for so he might accept more if you offered it to him. Oh, and coffee. Given that he has literally been known to spend thirty thousand yen on coffee in one day (well, not spend, so much as run up a bill for that someone else is going to have to cover for him eventually), having an unlimited supply would be very handy. But really, Jack's pretty independent - anything he really wants, he'd want to get for himself.

7. Name something your character would never do.
Violate the sanctity of the laws of dueling. Under the right circumstances, he'll use violence or even kill, and he's definitely been known to take things he has no intention of paying for, but screwing around with a duel is blasphemy and will not be tolerated.

8. What would be the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to your character?
Losing. What else? Really, any situation where he's forced to admit failure or weakness. Also, having to talk about his feelings in public.

9. Name up to five superpowers you wish your character could have, and explain why.
Pyronkenisis seems like a logical choice. He is strongly associated with demons and fire, so control over fire seems like it would come naturally. Really, though, he'd give almost anything a shot.

10. What kind of deity would you like your character to encounter, and why? See Deities for more information. Here is another list of deities.Tempermentally, he's closest to Susano-o-no-mikoto. Wild, bad tempered, ambiguous morality, ruler of the underworld, mama's boy... yeah, they'd get along just fine. It would be interesting to introduce him to Amaterasu-ou-mikami as well. He tends to respect strong women. He'd be rather amused to meet Fudo, not just because of the aforementioned fire business but because it would remind him of Yusei.
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