Kink Me! #2 Closed to new prompts
Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #2!
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Spoils of War on dreamwidth
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I suspect the OP wanted something darker and more noncon, but this is what wanted to be written!
The fact that Arthur chooses to cajole the win out, cajole Merlin into agreeing rather than force his way, shows what kind of man he is and what kind of king he is going to be.
Thank you so much for the prompt - it was brilliant! I really enjoyed writing this.
I'm very glad it worked for you. I kind of love Arthur a ridiculous amount and just couldn't quite buy him as a OMGev0l!oppressor, and especially couldn't buy Merlin as any kind of victim. I mean, the guy could move things with his mind before he could speak!
This is the exact problem I have with every story that has Merlin getting beaten up. I mean, Arthur can cause he lets Arthur and Arthur has been trained to kill since birth. Anyone less than a Knight Champion, it's going to be a whole different story.
I totally failed at the anonymous thing on this meme, so no worries on that one in my book :-)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Warnings for mention of past non-con and dub-con
It's on riventhorn's Bondage and Slavery Fic Fest.
Warnings, as there aren't really any on the post, are: dub-con (in that it could be seen as coercive, though Merlin's a pretty enthusiastic participant), (kind of) slavery, (mention of) bondage.
Tribute, NC-17
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