What I Hate

Jul 01, 2006 23:43

What was once chaotic seems to be all falling into place. I passed all my classes and not just barely pass but passed with good grades. I am starting to like my job more and more...and the kids are the greatest...and they actually listen to me and I don't have to scream and yell at them. But I really didnt start this post to update people really it is just to bitch. This city is so freakin crazy and there is nothing I dread more than the all star game coming here. Considering that the ball field is like in the back yard less than a five minute walk, and this city is already filled with enough inconsiderate pricks as it is. Okay...so

1. I hate it when I am walking some place no matter what time of day (I only walk in the city during the day cos it is too unsafe at night) and the sidewalks are packed with morons. Bussiness men in suits must think that they own the freakin sidewalks. They will seriously walk side by side like four of them and take up the WHOLE side walk and the only way of getting around them is to walk out in the street into traffic. Even worse is when some one is walking towards you they cant split up from the group to walk behind them long enough for some one to walk by....and my attempt to get to the bus stop faster was completely failed because of these people who will not let anyone pass them. If you do get past them watch out you dont get stepped on because apparently people cant walk straight and hold a conversation with the person beside them at the same time.

2. I hate it when I cant go any place with out some one starring....makes me want to say it's a tumor dickface...next time I'm in town I will bring the rest of the circus with me and you can take pictures. I am not here for your entertainment I just want to eat my fucking food....if I wanted people to watch me eat I would go to the zoo lock my self in a cage and eat. Makes me think of a great horror film though...I will have to write that idea down. It's a shame I dont know which craft, or else they would all suddenly get a huge growth some where and experience what me and so many other have to put up with.

3. If you don't agree with my lifestyle, it is not nessesary to tell me. What good will it do you? I will not change my mind, and my sexuality is not affecting your life in any way. But if you do find the need to say faggot to me atleast be a man about it and come down off your balcony and say it to my face. Don't throw things such as pasta on my car...what good does that do you? Do you get bragging rights...to say "Dude I so threw pasta on that fags car." ?? Let me know what person would think that is cool so I can tell them in person that they are simple.

4. I am 25 and I cant bring alcohol into the place in which I reside. I pay too much to live here as it is...hell I could buy a house with what I pay in loans and out of pocket. Due to some people who just cant handle alcohol with out doing some stupid stunt off the balcony, or because some one gets raped because guys cant have respect for some one whos passed out. But drugs are okay?!?

5. At 3am...when most people (those who are serious about thier classes the next morning) are sleeping or quietly in their rooms doing art stuff...these kids who have probably never spent a night away from mommy and daddy, come in drunk and high, loud as can be, waking everyone in the building. Then continue to go in and out of their dorms, having conversations in the halls, and bumping the walls until 5am . I HATE THAT.

6. I hate the fact that when I report that shit is being thrown on my car, the reponse I get from the guard down stairs is basically expact it because people are here to sow their wild oats...therefore it is okay to destroy my car because they are young.

7. Lastly (for now) I hate it when the guys next door are blasting their music at 3 am and we go down to request they turn it down so we can get just maybe a couple hours of sleep before class and work...the guard ignores what I said, and ask me what happened to my face.
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