Behind the cut is a recap of Wednesday afternoon, where I spent time with my brothers, mom, sister-in-law and nephew...
Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, I was in bed around midnight, sleeping pill coursing through my body, and I was determined to get a good night's sleep. My alarm clock was set at eight o'clock the next morning, because I had to get up and drive down to my mom's house in Kentucky to celebrate my older brother's twenty-eighth birthday. Apparently, he was down there talking at our younger brother's school about his children's book (
which you can buy here).
So, I'm awake at 7am. Yikes. I showered, checked my stuff online, and around 8:40, I was out the door. I didn't get lost once, which was a nice surprise! When I got to my mom's, everyone was already there: Levi, his wife Jennifer and their three-year-old son, our mom and my younger brother, Easton. Thank the Lord that our step-dad wasn't there. He sucks, what can I say? Anyhoo, we went and ate lunch at this place called Beef O'Beardy's or something Irish-sounding like that... it was alright, but definitely not anything I'm anxious to get back to.
I had Levi open his gift I'd bought him the night before - the ol'skool 1986 Transformers cartoon movie, because I remember when we were kids, he loved Transformers. Suffice it to say, he was totally into the gift and said he'd been thinking about buying it for himself for awhile. So - hoorah to me! The first picture taken was at this restaurant, where we see our very tan mother posing with Levi and Jennifer's son, Lynden:
Back at the house, we just chilled while Easton and Lynden played video games, then we played a rousing game of MadGab, which was really fun! I really enjoy spending time with them without the presence of our step-dad. Blech. Anyway, here are the other pics from the get together:
Levi and Jennifer at the mutha-fuckin' kitchen table.
From the left: Levi, myself, Easton, Lynden and our Mom, Rhonda.
Here's Levi, Easton and myself. Brother-style!
This is one of three shots I took with my mom. In one, I look mentally challenged, in another, she was none-too-pleased with how she looked, and this one, we both really liked... so there ya go!
Finishing how we started: My mom with her grandson and my nephew, Lynden.
And that's how I spent my Wednesday afternoon. I had a really great time, and I'm glad I got these pics.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend! Ciao, kids! Mwah!