Okay so i was about to fall asleep but for some reason i came online. And Bruce got on acouple min after me so that was kinda weird.. but heres the bad part our convo if you wanna read it
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:15 AM]: yea, this probly isnt the greatest of times to ask you this but seriously, do you want me to wait for you? jsut tell me the truth..
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:16 AM]: no i dont
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:16 AM]: okay.. thats all i needed to know.. but why
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:16 AM]: i dont want a relationship
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:17 AM]: okay
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:18 AM]: its not like we had to get real serious or anything but if thats what you want its fine
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:18 AM]: alright
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:20 AM]: im sorry but if you didnt want a relationship whyd you even ask me for my sn that day and even got involved?
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:21 AM]: i dont know iam confused right now
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:21 AM]: yea and so am i
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:21 AM]: yea i know that and just because i asked u that didnt mean that i wanted to get involved
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:22 AM]: well you sure acted like it
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:23 AM]: how
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:24 AM]: maybe its just me but i dont make out with people i dont like or anything
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:27 AM]: i have to go
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:27 AM]: yea okay bye
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:28 AM]: i have practice tomorrow morning at eight
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:28 AM]: whatever
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:28 AM]: okay its fine really
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:28 AM]: you actually expect me to be happy right now?
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:28 AM]: god
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:28 AM]: i mean if ur gonna get like that
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:28 AM]: no im not getting like anything
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:29 AM]: we went through this last week
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:29 AM]: i know im sorry.. but i do really like you n i thought you felt the same
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:29 AM]: i guess not
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:29 AM]: i already told u how i felt
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:29 AM]: no you didnt
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:30 AM]: and i have more things going on right now then havein to worrry about a gf
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:30 AM]: yea i know but i told you i can wait for you
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:30 AM]: i dont want u to
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:30 AM]: exactly
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:30 AM]: i dont want to get mean
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:31 AM]: im not
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:31 AM]: but i will
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:31 AM]: why
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:31 AM]: when i fell the time is right i will explain
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:31 AM]: but not now
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:31 AM]: okay
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: that doesnt make sense but okay
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:32 AM]: and besides how come i didnt know u smoked
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: i thought you knew..
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: oh geez if this is even about that
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:32 AM]: how would i of know
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:32 AM]: no its not but it ads to it
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: because me and my friend were waiting for smokes when i met you at sheetz
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: wait
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:32 AM]: subway
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:32 AM]: icic
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:33 AM]: well i can quit you know
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:33 AM]: i thought they were your friends
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:33 AM]: no no no
SwEeTLiLKuTiE718 [1:33 AM]: they were both of ours
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:33 AM]: i dont want anything to change
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:33 AM]: i just dont want a relationship i dont want u to wait for me
KnIgHtBaLLeR56 [1:34 AM]: i really have to go.. ill ttyl bye
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