So. I read spoilers for Breaking Dawn. Even though I didn't read the book before it. And even though I hate the Twilight series. A-and now I wanna read it. So much.
Or you could just read this and save yourself the IQ-reduction. Warning: convulsing with laughter can be rather painful not unlike spoilercarryingavampirebabyspoiler.
Breaking Dawn, in PDF format. I can even dig up the other three books for you. If you're feeling seriously masochistic. Or you can go through an epic series re-read by a Jacob/Bella community. Because they're awesome. xD
The Twilight fandom in general or the Jacob/Bella fandom? D: The Jacob/Bella people I've seen are pretty sane, but. The fandom overall is BATSHIT. Kind of like Azula in Book 3. Only not as hot.
I was just going through my profile and noticed you had added me but I never added you back. So hi random friend, hope you don't mind if I remedy that?
And lol, I just finished reading celolinda's recap too and WOW. TWILIGHT IS A MAD HOUSE, although the smarter side of the fandom (read: like 2% of it) seems cool! The fans who laugh at Twilight anyway, srs bsnss is not cool. ):
Welcome to mutual friendness~? Since I don't have an intro entry, I'll introduce myself here. Eh... I make fanmixes? And I am in many fandoms. The end.
Fandom is always srs bsnss. Especially Twilight and Avatar. But, as a fan who thinks every character ever is adorable (coughZhaocough) and someone who is a pairing whore, I just watch the crazies from the sidelines.
Comments 14
That just made me want to read it more. Even though at the end of reading I'll just be like "WTF IZ DIZ!?!123?! EDWARD/ME 4EVAZ. PEDOPHILIA WHUT."
Why do I like to abuse my brain? D8
But yeah, I agree. I want to experience the fail.
Breaking Dawn, in PDF format. I can even dig up the other three books for you. If you're feeling seriously masochistic. Or you can go through an epic series re-read by a Jacob/Bella community. Because they're awesome. xD
I'd rather stay away from the fandom. I have heard horrible things about them. D8
The Twilight fandom in general or the Jacob/Bella fandom? D: The Jacob/Bella people I've seen are pretty sane, but. The fandom overall is BATSHIT. Kind of like Azula in Book 3. Only not as hot.
The fandom in general. Especially Edward fangirls. So, probably not Jacob/Bella fans. XD
Azula is far too hot for Nick. Especially in the finale. ♥
"Edward's ~incandescent~ chest and ~scintillating~ arms..."
I was just going through my profile and noticed you had added me but I never added you back. So hi random friend, hope you don't mind if I remedy that?
And lol, I just finished reading celolinda's recap too and WOW. TWILIGHT IS A MAD HOUSE, although the smarter side of the fandom (read: like 2% of it) seems cool! The fans who laugh at Twilight anyway, srs bsnss is not cool. ):
Welcome to mutual friendness~? Since I don't have an intro entry, I'll introduce myself here. Eh... I make fanmixes? And I am in many fandoms. The end.
Fandom is always srs bsnss. Especially Twilight and Avatar. But, as a fan who thinks every character ever is adorable (coughZhaocough) and someone who is a pairing whore, I just watch the crazies from the sidelines.
I find you and your tags intriguing! :o
Best tags ever?: axel is so flameo, demyx is america(and so can you!), lawlzhitler, zelos keeps the pimp hand strong, zhao's fanbase, that's me.
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