What Programs do you use?
For video editing, I use Sony Vegas 8.0 at the present time, and Windows Movie Maker for any videos created prior to September 2008. I use Photoshop CS4 to create graphics. I also used to use Particle Illusion to generate effects.
Where did you get your programs?
My version of Photoshop is legit, in that I bought it, and I found my Vegas and PI on google. I don't remember exact links, but just search - you'll find something.
Can you help me with editing?
I’m not the best teacher out there. To be completely honest, I learned it all from various tutorials on YouTube. Just search around and you’ll find stuff.
Where do you get your episodes?
Too many places to list. I just google "blah blah episode #blah", and download whatever comes up. I can't help you there |:
Do you take requests?
No, not of any sort. I hardly have the time/motivation to do stuff that I want. I am more than open to song suggestions etc. though ^^.
Do you accept MEP parts?
I’ll announce the status of that on my YT page - but bear in mind that even if I am taking requests, I will not accept everything. Just what interests me.
Can you join my studio?
Sorry, I'm not joining anymore studios right now. I consider Co♥ Studios my main studio and I am a member of a couple more that I occasionally do work for - I'm sorry, I have enough on my plate as it is, I'm not open to joining more.
Do you respond to video comments?
Hardly. I rarely, if ever, respond to comments on my videos. Ask a question on the video, I'll answer it if I feel like it/it isn't obvious/isn't here/it's SPECIFIC TO THAT VIDEO, and maybe reply to long comments on the first day of postage or something. If you really have something important to say, you're probably better off commenting on my page. I do read every comment though, and each one motivates me to make more videos, so please keep writing comments! ^^. They make me happy C:
Do you respond to page comments?
Yes - mostly. I try to answer all general questions asked if I haven't put the information somewhere else, and I will happily say something back if I think whatever you said will trigger a meaningful conversation. I do not however reply to "hi" or "how are you" comments because I really don't think we're going to get anything of it. I'm all for big conversations though ^^.
How frequently do you respond to comments?
Whenever I feel like it. If it's a pressing matter, usually instantly, otherwise it can take me as long as a week before I reply to something that I want to reply to. I'm slow and lazy. Sorry about that.
Do you read messages?
Not unless I have to. I'm really not much a fan of messages, because my Youtube inbox always screws up and claims I have more messages than I really do have and my browser is dodgy when it comes to loading the page. Not only that, I often access YT on school or other outside computers and do not always log-in (...Which doesn't even work on Macs sometimes |:), so I can't know I"ve got a message without signing in. That being said, I will respond to a message relating to something that has to be said in message; such as secret information, something very long, or containing links. But not questions. If you've got one of those, comment it to me. If you message it, chances are I won't answer, and in the rare likelihood that I my response will come in comment form. I try to avoid messages as much as I can ^^.
Can you dedicate a video to me?
No can do. I only dedicate videos to close friends for special occasions. Making videos is hard enough as it ees.
Can I send you videos?
As if I could stop it. But no, I don’t watch videos sent to me via Shared with You or Message (Unless of course, it is a video directly relating me. Like a stolen video report). I’m sorry - if I want to watch somebody’s videos, I will sub them; I do not have the time to watch everything that is sent to me @_@ - if you constantly spam my inbox with these, I will remove you from my friends.
Speaking of subs, do you sub for sub?
Do you accept friend requests?
Yes. However if you spam up my inbox/I just find you a nuisance, I reserve the right to remove you.
Can I use your Backgrounds/Layouts?
No. Whilst I used to allow this, I have a policy against the editing of my work, and I do write my name on all of the backgrounds I create. This means that to actually use them as your own, you’d have to remove my name, which would be editing. See what I did there? Sorry.
How do you make your backgrounds then?
Read this:
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/058/6/9/KintanaChan__s_YT_BG_Tutorial_by_kintanachan.jpg^ That’s all you need to know to make a background like mine; all the techniques I use, anyway. Much of it just comes from personal creativity and practice, so I’m afraid that I cannot teach you anything more about it.
Why do you have school in July?
Australia. Next question.
Why do you have limited Bandwidth?
99/male/antarctica. no srsly go die :(
Your views on pairing wars?
Unnecessary. JUST THROW EVERYBODY TOGETHER AND HAVE A MASS ORGY. I am a serial “pairing cheater” if you’d like - I do have a set of OTPs but I am more than happy to go and make something featuring it’s rival pairing - I’m open to everything and everyone and don’t hate people based on their preferences. If you want to hate me for that though, that’s your problem. I’ll just hit you with my blockhammer.
(bleh that's all for now. I'll update if I come up with anymore xD)