Randy spent Valentine's Day in Washington State with his friends Justin Fansler, his husband, Rudy Kleysteuber and their son. Pics clickable for larger and snaggable.
Gale is at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah with Mia Bays, Martin Marquet, and Rebecca Gang. Pix from Rebecca's IG acct. are clickable for larger and snaggable.
New photos posted by Randy's friend, Justin Fansler, the past couple of days from Rosco, New York (Sullivan County). The little boy is Felix, Justin and his husband Rudy's child. (clickable for larger and snaggable).
Randy will once again be involved in "Christmas on the Rocks" in Hartford Connecticut this holiday season from Dec.1-23. Thanks, Trish, for the heads-up!https://www.courant.com/
R.I.P. pfodge! For anyone who hasn't heard, the very talented Patty passed away on Sept.16. She had been ill for a while (she posted about it on her LJ in June). She will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to her family.