Your Name:Kinz, Kinzy, Kinzie k
AIM/E-mail/contact info: AIM: Kinzies911
Your character's name: Nakamori Aoko
Series your character's from: Magic Kaito
Background info on your character: Nakamori Aoko is the teenage daughter of Nakamori Ginzo who heads the Kaitou Kid task force. She is also the childhood friend and love interest of the series protagonist Kuroba Kaito. Kaito is secretly the elusive thief Kaitou Kid but Aoko does not know that.
Aoko met Kaito on the steps of a clock tower when she was waiting for her father to get off work, Kaito noticed she seemed lonely and offered her a rose, the two have been friends ever since.
In the series Aoko is seen in every chapter but doesn't usually play a huge role in Kid Heists. Aoko dislikes kid and isn't usually seen at heists.
Personality: Aoko is usually a very kind and giving person and is often thinking of other people before she considers herself. She is the one who stepped down from pairing with Kaito for ski contest because one of her classmates wanted to pair with him. Admittedly, she did this because she's a very poor skier and wanted Kaito to look cool.
Everything this girl does is done with a fiery passion. Be it beating up Kaito, encouraging a friend, telling some one they're doing a bad thing, or vehemently denying she likes KId even the tiniest bit.
Aoko dislikes lawbreakers, especially the thief her father continuously tries to catch, probably for no other reason then that she's a daddy's girl through and through. She inherited his nasty temper.
Aoko doesn't like when other people are made of, one of the various reasons she hates Kid so much is that he continuously makes fun of her father.
About that temper of hers... my best advice would be to not piss her off. She will use whatever she has around her as a weapon, though she is most famous for the incident with the mop.
Sample post: (First person point of view, please)
Oh Jeez! I'm more then certain I've been going around in circles for the past several hours! Everything is starting to look familiar! I could have sworn I passed that tree already, and I KNOW I passed that weird looking bush thing.
That rock ESPECIALLY looks familiar! It looks like there’s a face on it and it just makes me feel like it’s laughing at me! It thinks it’s SO funny that I can’t find anyone or anything.
I can see how it would be entertaining to watch a poor person wander around aimlessly for hours, stumbling because it’s pretty damn impossible to walk normal on sand, and quickly becoming irritated at the whole stupid situation! Yeah, that’s really funny. In another person’s point of view that could be REAL hysterical.
Or how about that, that person would have no idea how they ended up in such a place?! Seriously! I remember I was walking to the library to study for a VERY IMPORTANT test and then I was here. And now I can’t find anyone to point me in the direction of home and it’s ALL that STUPID rock’s fault for finding this whole situation to be amusing!
Stupid rock.
A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island: an English book, paper, pens, pencils, probably a feather duster, a phone that gets no coverage, generally things one might find in the backpack of a school girl.