by Kate Gladstone
Fúfu, small rabbit, fastest of hoppers,
Works in woodland his ways of evil:
Field-mice he finds, then hammers with head-blows,
Vexing the queen of the Vanir folk.
Down came good Freya, frowning at Fúfu.
Said she to the warren-born: "No worth I find
In your smiting of cheese-thieves. Smirk not, but obey me.
To change from your ways, three chances you'll have.
And if you change not, then a nithing you'll be."
Yet Fúfu, four-footed, fastest of hoppers,
Still works in woodland his ways of evil:
Field-mice he finds, then hammers with head-blows,
Vexing the queen of the Vanir folk.
Down came good Freya, frowning at Fúfu,
Said she to the short-tailed: "Shame do I find
In your smacking of squeakers, Smirk not, but obey me.
To change from your ways, two chances you have
And if you change not, then a nithing you'll be."
Yet Fúfu, long-footed, fastest of hoppers,
Still works in woodland his ways of evil:
Field-mice he finds, then hammers with head-blows,
Vexing the queen of the Vanir folk.
Down came good Freya, frowning at Fúfu,
Said she to the buck-toothed: "Badness I find
In your smashing of hole-gnawers, Smirk not, but obey me.
To change from your ways, one chance you now have
And if you change not, then a nithing you'll be."
Yet Fúfu, carrot-glad, fastest of hoppers,
Still works in woodland his ways of evil:
Field-mice he finds, then hammers with head-blows,
Vexing the queen of the Vanir folk.
Down came good Freya, frowning at Fúfu,
Said she to the long-eared, "You've lost your last chance.
Three warnings you've wasted. Now you shall obey me.
To change from your ways, no chance you now have:
Now and forever, a nithing shall be!"
Hare whose heart hates field-scurriers
Soon shall see himself made outlaw.
The preceding is from rec.music.filk. Kate, after having heard somewhere that "Little Bunny Foo Foo" is based on a Verdi tune (can't verdify this myself), wrote a set of Italian operatic lyrics to LBFF. After that, of course, she had to bardify it. Reprinted with permission.
5/1/2007 Update: The Italian opera version is