Interruptions of the train of though are what keep our minds from going into short-cut circles or ending up in conceptual dead ends that are the logical consequence of a single viewpoint. Unfortunately, we sometimes lose our train of thought through said interruptions, which is probably the reason why so many people turn to less intellectually challenging activities. Fucking each other's brains out is inherently less frustrating than trying to uphold a polite and respectful conversation.
Maybe one of the ways we really like to have our thoughts crossed by. At least for me it is. And it's also a way to make sure we'll never find back to the point we started at and look at it the same we did before. Sex is a real mind-opener, in that sense.
Things like down below are the reason I don't list any interests, by the way.
Hi, I found your journal because I just started a community for Braves Fans, and the community and you share a common intrest. I would Love to have you come join! It looks pretty plain now, but I am working on a great Layout, and it should be an awesome Community. I hope to see you there! atlanta_braves <--- Click there to join
Comments 12
I never thought of it in that way before, but good point.
Things like down below are the reason I don't list any interests, by the way.
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