So I often turn to LJ in times of heartache and stress. Consequently, my LJ has a lot of complaining. I think when I am off in bliss I write less, because I am just living the good times, but when I am worried, I come here. The main things I complain and fret about on LJ are my love life, school work, and money. If you read my LJ - or even if you
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It's hard for me to accept you as any sort of revolutionary feminist--which is certainly how you present yourself--when you take such relish in posting the avails of capitalism. Super, you bought *cheap* clothes. Let's take a moment to think about WHY they are cheap. There are such huge inconsistencies in how you represent yourself, yet you take such delight in crucifying anyone who doesn't share your politics.
If your point is "hey, these clothes were made in the developing world, and Target doesn't pay very much to its employees" -- you think that anyone in this day and age hasn't contemplated that? You think that someone who also isn't making very much money doesn't realize that supporting Target and similar companies kind of sucks, since they don't pay their employees much at all either? But that it's actually way more complicated than that? We all face ethical trade-offs every fucking day about how we spend our money and live our lives.
But if that was your point, your previous post really, really, really did nothing to establish that. In fact, it was cowardly and belittling.
You don't have to accept KL as anything; but you also have no reason to be here, being insulting.
Find something better to do with your time.
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