[SALES] Doujinshi

Mar 27, 2010 23:18

All of these have only been viewed ONCE and are brand new.

Most of these are not suitable for minors (under 18) as they contain explicit/graphic bed scenes.
About 95% of these are Akame Doujinshi from the Sannen Udegumi Circle.

If you buy more than 1 I will give you a discount.
Prices to NOT include shipping.

PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL ONLY (or bank ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

kwu May 18 2010, 19:35:02 UTC
Hello! This is kinda late, so I understand if you dont have them anymore, but I was just wondering if you still have Akame doujinshi from Sannen Udegumi available? ^^ Thanks in advance~ :)


kira_shadow May 18 2010, 19:40:58 UTC
if you get back to me in june I will

they're in my moving boxes right now so it'll take a while for them to arrive


kwu May 19 2010, 02:23:13 UTC
OK! That works for me! ^^ Yay~

Whenever you get them, is it possible to have more detail such as which ones you have left and page numbers? I hope it wont be too unconvenient...? :)

I'm just wondering, which country will you ship from? I would just like to know approx. how much it would cost? I can receive in either Hong Kong or Canada. Thanks so much~!


kira_shadow May 19 2010, 10:27:34 UTC
so far none of the above have yet been sold but more people have asked for them so I'll see which ones people are interested in... I might even add a couple of my old ones but yeah I'll see when everything arrives.

I will ship them from europe (either germany or the netherlands)


yukitsubute January 7 2012, 12:25:34 UTC
Hey, hier bin ich. ^^

(- Was ist das neben Bokutachi Otokonoko?)

- Lover's thing

- Two people who fell in love

- Dirty, dirty

- Das neben Toxic ^^

- Kitty box

- Pink prisoner

- Beide PiKame

Kannst du mir mal einen Gesamtpreis nennen?! Ich muss dann mal schauen ob sich das bei mir ausgeht. :)



kira_shadow January 7 2012, 15:56:34 UTC
das neben Bokutachi Otokonoko heißt "Himitsu" (secret), das neben TOXIC ist "Hatsukoi" (first love)

das wären dann 8-9 Stück?

Himitsu = 700 Yen
Lover's Thing = 500 Yen
Two people who fell in love = 500 Yen
Dirty, Dirty = 700 Yen
Hatsukoi = 500 Yen
Kitty Box = 500 Yen
Pink Prisoner = 500 Yen
2x Shuuji to Akira = 1000 Yen

= 4900 Yen = €50
(ohne Himitsu 4200 Yen = 43 Euro)

Wenn du so viele kaufst übernehme ich das Porto innerhalb Deutschlands. :)


yukitsubute January 8 2012, 08:29:49 UTC

Ja, ich nehme alle. :))))) *hüpf*

Was würd das mit dem Versand nach Österreich machen?! (Je nachdem wie viels is, entscheide ich, ob ich doch noch ein Doujin weg tu. ^^)



kira_shadow January 8 2012, 10:20:31 UTC
porto nach österreich wären etwa 10€ (ist ja noch innerhalb von Europa), dann wären es insgesamt 60€ für alles.


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