I Hate Teenagers, Update on Writing, College

Jun 10, 2011 10:34

I hate teenagers. Simple as that. My week has not been the best, but it was bearable until I went to the bank yesterday to cash my paycheck. When a bank teller tells you there a comment on your account about having to call a number, you know it something bad. Lucky I catch it early that all I have to say.
Apparently a teenager had gone into my backpack while I was hanging out in the teen outpost at the library like I do everyday and took my bank card information. Now what does said teenager do with my information. He spends $450 on World of Warcraft. Well thank god for this teenager not being smart. It just sucks that I have to go fill police charges, go to the bank to fill out paper work, while this ass just sits around playing video games. I just want this over with.

Well I had been trying to finish writing all my works in progress, even trying to start on a new Ianto/Master fanfiction that I have been dying to do since last year. I am hoping to have it all finished by July or August, so all I have to do is post. Maybe I can find a beta to check everything out? One thing at a time that's all I have to say.

I'm going to college!!! I start the first week in August with a two week summer program, and I can't wait. I've been wanting to go to college since 9th grad. Heck, my high demanded their students went to college as a requirement for graduating. I hope the summer passes by fast enough.

i hate teenagers, torchwood, college, ianto/master, fan fiction

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