OOC: Stats/Permission Meme

Apr 16, 2015 17:32

Full name: Ijuin Rei
Name they go by: Rei
Nicknames: N/A

Actual Age: 16 17
Physical Age: 16 17
Birthday: August 23
Height:172 cm (5'6")
Weight: Classified. (If I had to guess, I'd say probably 115-120-ish? I don't have any clue.)
Medical Info: Nothing that I can think of.

Animal features: Lion (Ears, tail, fangs, and more mane-like hair)
Tattoo: Over breastbone
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Butt-length blonde hair, tied in a ponytail. (..is there a more eloquent way of expressing that lengh? XDD hahaha..)
Physical traits: For all intents and purposes, Rei looks like a boy (..she even wears a cup :|) She does an excellent job of maintaining a male demeneor 96% of the time, so unless your character is preposterously perceptive or they manage to catch her during that 4% of the time when she slips up, you're unlikely to notice. For further details on this, check out the "whats okay to mention" and "note for the psychics" bit.
Alignment: True Neutral (With hints of Neutral Evil...particularly in her canon, which she has diverted a little from here.)
Sexuality: Heterosexual. On account of the trapness, however, feel free to hit on her, ladies. She's used to it.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: You can talk to Rei about just about anything. Whether or not she'll actually listen to you is another story. I suppose the only taboo would be regarding her secret. That's not to say your character isn't allowed to have suspicions when given reason to and perhaps eventually find out on their own, by any means. Rather, it means that calling or insinuating she's a girl will insult her and put you out of her favor quickly. (Also, you may get punched.)
Abilities: Relatively decent singing voice, ridiculously good at throwing parties, yadda yadda. She doesn't have any unnatural powers or whatever.
Notes for the Psychics: Rei is constantly working to keep up her appearances so maintaining the proper image is always on her mind. Just don't flat-out call her out on her secret without talking to with me first, plzthx.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Go for it.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Can't be sure of what the consequence of that would be, but sure. XD
Maim/Murder/Death: I'm up for maiming, but a heads up would be nice.
Cooking: Maybe a couple really basic things, but for the most part, no. She's been catered to her entire life.

Anything else of note? I use male pronouns when referring to Rei in logs (unless she's let her guard down, in which case I return to female.) It's just to help identify which gender she's appearing. ♥ (wow that sounds really bizarre..whatever.)


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