
Mar 06, 2010 15:51

Girovagando in rete, ho trovato per caso diversi articoli di donne con i capelli rossi, e ho notato che ci troviamo tutte piu' o meno nella stessa situazione, che gli altri interagiscono con noi rosse sempre nello stesso modo.
Alcune citazioni che condivido in pieno o sono capitate anche a me:

As a redhead, most of the nicknames I have been given have been due to my hair color, and the only celebrities anyone every compares me to are redheaded ones...and they do so indiscriminately (evidently, having red hair makes me look like Tori Amos, Julianne Moore, Lucille Ball, and Lindsay Lohan all at the same time....).

Furthermore, much of my identity to others lies only in my hair color. When people are asked to describe me, many can only come up with "redhead," and some will add "tall" to the description.

More than that, though, the strong public perception of redheads as strong-willed, feisty, and whathaver you seems to have led to people treating me as if it were so. People expect me to adhere to these stereotypes, behave towards me as if it were so, and I have reacted accordingly -- fulfilling their expectations because that is what I was taught from a young age that I was supposed to be.

Many redheads also report having been treated negatively as a child due to their haircolor - mostly by children.

Being a redhead is like being on display. And, when one is born shy, like I was, being a natural redhead is uncomfortable at times. As you may know, shyness makes one simply want to blend in with the wall or other surroundings; having naturally red hair has the opposite effect from blending in. My red hair hinders me from blending in with anything other than a pile of pine needles.

Also, everyone assumes I'm Irish.

Ever since I can remember, strangers and friends alike have issued compliments on my hair color.

Throughout history, redheadedness has been associated with negative traits, which I find summed up nicely in this proveb (compliments of the French):

"Redheaded women are either violent or false, and usually are both."

They have been targeted as witches, deemed as 'naturally' quick-tempered, and viewed as the product of 'unclean' sex.

More benign stereotypes of redheads include the idea that they are more promiscuous, wilder, more passionate, and loud-mouthed.

Also, redheaded women are more likely to be the subject of said stigma than redheaded men.

Inoltre ho scoperto diverse cose interessantissime o__o :

Professor Jonathan Rees conducted a study of redheads at Edinburgh University.He identified the"gene for red hair" the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), found on the 16th chromosome. He found that this single gene was responsible for red hair.

Red hair is seen on the heads of only 4% of people. Most of these exist in Scotland (13%), the Republic of Ireland (10%), and Australia.

There is a belief that redheads are prone to industrial deafness. This actually could be true as the melanocytes are found in the middle ear.

A 2002 study found that redhead are harder to sedate than any other people requiring twenty percent more anesthesia. Inadequate doses cause people to wake up during surgery and have increased recall of procedures.

Difatti io durante un'operazione mi sono svegliata prima! o__o

Redheads don't turn grey. Red hair turned sandy, then white. They are also found to loose their color later in life than people carrying other hair colors.

Bees are thought to sting redheads more than others.

Adams first wife Lilith, always depicted as a redhead, is known to have refused to lie beneath Adam during sexual intercourse, and stated "Why should I lie beneath you when I am your equal, since both of us were created from dust?"

In Greek Mythology, redheads turn into Vampires when they die.

YESSS! *alza le mani in grida di giubilio*

*fine lezioncina interessante sui capelli rossi*

redhead, blending only with a pile of pine needle

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