fanfic meme from
yinakeDo you read or write fanfiction?
Both, but my making a big fucking deal over writing comments means I don't leave them often, and my bad habit of editing the same seventeen words nine million times and ending up staring at them at the top of an otherwise blank document means I'm a crappy writer.
When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?
I wrote my first fic in my sophomore year of high school, lol. Probably started reading shortly before that.
What was your first fandom?
...Yuugiou: Duel Monsters. (STFU.)
First ship?
Kaiba/Pharaoh. It was kind of hilarious, because I really wasn't LOOKING to get into slash but just for more interaction between the two of them and then when I found slashfic it was like "...huh? Why are they... oh. OH. ...I can get behind that, sure."
What website do you use most?
LJ, IJ some,
What do you think of
I like the system and think its reputation is unfortunate (even though there's a lot of badfic there). It strikes me as a lot friendlier than, like, AO3, which just gives off this elitist largely Western fandom vibe. The problem is the people running it seem kind of out of touch.
What fandoms have you written in?
Chronologically: Yuugiou, Naruto, Shadow Hearts, Final Fantasy VII. I have bits and pieces of half-written Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy X, and X/1999 stuff on my hard drive. ...Actually, some of the Final Fantasy X pieces I could really go ahead and post, since they're mostly finished shortfics for an Auron/Braska/Jecht claim I never took on a
I prefer to ship friends, or barring that rivals. Sometimes this leads me to ship the most popular pairing in a fandom (Lelouch/Suzaku, Sasuke/Naruto -- OR VICE VERSA, because pairing order is srs bzns gaiz), and sometimes it doesn't (Kamui/Subaru, Seishirou/Kamui). Hatesex is not appealing to me at all, and neither are creepy dark pairings like Seishirou/Subaru and Sephiroth/Cloud (although oddly SephCloud bothers me far less than SeiSub, whether written with canon characterizations or fanonically [is that even a word?]).
Any fandoms you would like to write in?
I want to rediscover enough of my writing mojo to hammer out some Geass fic, although knowing me it'd probably be weird Suzaku character study or something focused on Kallen (because I like to poke and prod at the female characters my friends don't care for, heh). Also maybe Homestuck, which has lots of fun yuri possibilities, but I am adrift alone in the sea of fandom n00bishness there and have no clue about any of the fanculture.
Do reviews affect how you write in any way?
Positive ones make me feel all warm and fuzzy, even if I never reply. Which I don't. Negative ones usually send me into spiraling bouts of self-critical gloom, which is stupid but I've always been like that, I'm afraid.
Do you use a beta?
I haven't in the past. The way I edit while I write makes me get weird about having people look at in-progress pieces -- even with a cowriter.
What ratings do you read/write?
Pretty much everything from R on down. I have like a negative skill modifier in Craft (pornfic), guys, seriously.
What warnings have you used on your fiction?
Gore, cursing, character death. I'm kind of tame, really.
Do you have any squicks?
MPREG. Bodily fluids, rape, infidelity, snuff, gore, vore, there are certainly more but I can't think of anything atm.
Do you Role-play online? If so, what?
bard_linn and I have been roleplaying one-on-one for her epic plotbunnies for years. We've done Final Fantasy VII, X/1999, and Code Geass (sometimes crossed with or borrowing elements from each other or other canons); ships usually involve some combination of Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris, Seishirou/Kamui/Subaru/Hokuto, and/or Lelouch/Suzaku/Euphemia (with Kallen, Gino, or Nunnally as a fourth).
Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?
I've probably subconsciously borrowed ideas, but I don't lift passages.
Favorite fandom to write/read?
Right now, totally Code Geass. ♥
Favorite pairing?
Suzaku/Femlouch, duh.
Favorite writer/writers?
Uhh... god, I dunno. I always perk up when I see something new from
raisedbymoogles (Final Fantasy VII),
aishuu (Hikaru no Go),
gelfling8604 (Naruto), and pretty much most of you kinkmeme regulars (especially
grendelity, who wrote so many awesome Code Geass fills for me that one round on
springkink)... I have a huge list somewhere but idk where.
How long should a chapter be?
As long as it needs to be. It depends entirely on what type of fic you're writing. I did a Naruto fic once where each chapter/installment was no more than 1,000 words because I wanted the exercise in conciseness. I'm stupidly wordy once I get going.
Do you write/read drabbles?
Any fandoms you avoid?
Bleach, Hetalia, Supernatural...
Pairings you avoid?
Cid/Vincent, Seishirou/Subaru (...god this one is so hard, I have such a love-hate relationship with this ship and its fans, sob), Auron/Rikku, Auron/Lulu, Vincent/Yuffie, Yuri/Alice, Kurando/Anastasia, Kakyou/Hokuto (fffff don't even get me started)... idk. I'm very picky about canon/one-sided canon pairings, and if I don't like them or how they're handled I try to avoid them. EVEN THOUGH IT'S SOMETIMES IMPOSSIBLE.
Warnings you avoid?
Canon character/OC, mpreg, rape/non-con. Also if the words "uke" and/or "seme" are used in a non-sarcastic fashion anywhere in the summary, pairings, or author's notes, I'm already late for the back button. It might not be explicitly marked as a warning, but it serves much the same purpose, honestly.
Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is?
What do you think of Mary Sues?
Ugh. Although that being said, I've recently read a canon in which one character is almost like a deconstruction of the Mary Sue idea, a confident badass total bitch who engineers some of the biggest fuckups in the plot and seems sometimes unaware of her issues and sometimes unsure of how to overcome them, and she's one of my favorite characters. I don't know what that says about me.
Have you ever flamed someone?
Have you ever been flamed?
Probably. I try to block out that stuff.
"have you ever" meme from
franzeillaise1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No.
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks.
And believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming. Nothing is exactly as it seems.
Been arrested? No.
Kissed someone you didn't like? ...Yes.
Slept in until 5 PM? No!
Run a red light? Yes.
Been suspended from school? No.
Experienced love at first sight? No.
Totaled your car in an accident? No.
Been fired from a job? No.
Fired somebody? No.
Sang karaoke? Yes.
Pointed a gun at someone? No.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.
Kissed in the rain? No.
Had a close brush with death (your own)? No.
Seen someone die? No.
Played spin-the-bottle? Yes.
Smoked a cigar? No.
Sat on a rooftop? Yes.
Smuggled something into another country? No.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No.
Broken a bone? Yes.
Skipped school? Yes.
Eaten a bug? Yes.
Sleepwalked? No.
Walked a moonlit beach? Yes~
Rode a motorcycle? No.
Dumped someone? ...Yes?
Lied to avoid a ticket? No.
Ridden in a helicopter? No.
Shaved your head? No.
Made your boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes...
Eaten snake? No.
Marched/protested? Yes.
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No.
Puked on amusement park ride? ...yes. :/
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Yes.
Been in a band? No.
Been on TV? Yes.
Shot a gun? No.
Skinny-dipped? No :(
Gave someone stitches? No.
Ridden a surfboard? No.
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? N-- yes.
Had surgery? No.
Streaked? No!
Been taken by ambulance to hospital? No.
Passed out when not drinking? No.
Peed on a bush? No.
Donated blood? Yes.
Grabbed an electric fence? No!
Eaten alligator meat? No.
Killed an animal when not hunting? Yes.
Peed your pants in public? No.
Snuck into a movie without paying? No.
Written graffiti? No.
Still loved someone you shouldn't? No.
Been in handcuffs? No.
Believed in love? ...Yes.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
In conclusion: como se dice, "soy aburrida." (...For shame, Google. I'd think for an easy language like Spanish you'd be able to tell the difference between "estoy aburrida"/"I'm bored" and "soy aburrida"/"I'm boring." Although you screw up with "listo" for "ready"/"clever" too, and the error's based on the same verb pair, so...)