Yay, I've changed my layout and header, and I made more userpics and made a NewS moodtheme!~! I've been feeling vry artistic this week (and as a result my right wrist is rather stiff - owies).
lol, I am~! And I just put up the credit on my profile ^.^v
lol, I do! It's because of a video of KAT-TUN I saw a long time ago~ cause they where with a magician and Junno was asked to sign a card in the deck- he picked the 10 of clubs so from that day on its been my fave.~! XD;
Comments 75
I looked at ur journal, u have a fav card?! Lol, i guess mine would be ace of spades cos it has a cool pic cos it's, erm, powerful, yeah...
lol, I do! It's because of a video of KAT-TUN I saw a long time ago~ cause they where with a magician and Junno was asked to sign a card in the deck- he picked the 10 of clubs so from that day on its been my fave.~! XD;
Hmm, i think i've seen you on jelookalikerate and other places? Mind if i friend you? :D
how cute!
Im going to use ,em if its alright.
will credit ^___^
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