Patamon hovered up to Hikari's bedroom window, sighing in relief. It had been a long flight over, but it was worth it.
Glancing inside, he was disappointed to not see her, although he should have expected as much. Tailmon had said she was busy... Still, she might come home. He decided to hope for the best, and tapped on the glass to alert the cat.
"Tailmon!" He called, waving a wing.
In a panic, Tailmon scurried around Hikari's room trying to find her favorite movie. It had been ages since she had seen Patamon and she wanted this to be perfect. But her DVD search wasn't going very well...
Then suddenly a call came from the window. Tailmon jumped and spun around--Patamon was outside the window!
What was wrong with the door? she thought as she jumped over to the window sill to open it. She was panting slightly from the shock.
"Hi, Patamon!" she cried, putting on a sheepish grin.
"Hi!" He replied, flying in and hovering near the bed. "Sorry... I figured people in the lobby might be a little alarmed by the flying pig if I used the door."
Tailmon laughed. "They might..." She stepped away from the window a bit and added, "Come on in! Everyone else is out though..."
"Oh, that's okay. Maybe Hikari will come home while I'm still here," he added hopefully. "It's been so long! How are you?" He settled on the back of Hikari's desk chair, smiling.
I suppose I'll have to look for that movie later... "I'm alright. Well, happy to see you of course but other than that... life's been pretty much the same. Though I've been watching more than just cooking shows on TV!"
Jumping over to the bed and stretching, Tailmon scratched her ear. "How about you? Uh... feeling any better?"
Patamon sighed. "About the same, really. I feel a little better now that I'm out of the apartment, though." He smiled over at her. "Thanks again for letting me come over on such short notice."
Tailmon smiled. "No problem! It's not like I was doing anything, plus it's nice to see friends." Another quick stretch--man, running around the house sure took a lot out of you, how does Agumon do it all the time?--she added, "Wanna do something or just stay in here for a bit?"
"We can just stay in here for a bit, if that's okay," the pig-like creature decided. After a pause, he decided to get to the point of his visit.
"You feel like you're growing apart from Hikari?" He asked quietly, shifting slightly for a more comfortable position.
For a second her eyes widened in surprise until she sighed and her ears dropped a bit. "Yeah, I just don't seem to see her as much and when I do we... just don't really talk much anymore I suppose..." she trailed off.
Patamon nodded. "I know how that is," he murmured. "I guess all we can do is remember they care about us, right?"
He remembered. He reminded himself of that daily lately, it seemed. It was fast becoming a desperate mantra.
"Everyone gets busy, even our partners," said Tailmon, nodding as well. "Maybe it's just a phase or something? Humans get really weird sometimes..." Though now she was starting to find her excuses rather weak. Maybe other people get caught up in their work too much but not Hikari. Hikari always put people before herself, but now? Something had to be stressing her out....
"Let's hope so," Patamon agreed. "Hey, you've got to come over sometime soon and meet Peanut." He grinned. "Maybe Hikari will come, too!"
"Oh yeah! How's Peanut doing anyway?" She felt a little silly about forgetting Takeru's new pet but the topic change was welcomed.
"He's good," Patamon said with a grin. He really liked having new people around," he remarked. "Floramon never really got to meet him, though, but I bet he'll like you, he's really friendly."
"Hope to meet him soon, now that I know he probably won't eat me or chase me up a tree or something... some dogs actually think I'm a cat!" said Tailmon sheepishly. "Then again, sometimes when Taichi's really tired he'll mistake me for Miko... do I really look like a real cat?"
Patamon considered. "Not to me," he decided. "But earth animals aren't very smart, you know?"
Eying the doorway as Miko walked by through the hallway, Tailmon sighed. "Miko's not bad but most cats seem rather arrogant. They have their perks but Digimon and humans will always be better in my book~!"
Patamon nodded. "I know what you mean."
Tailmon smiled. "Want to get started on that ice cream? I couldn't find that movie I said we'd watch though so you'll have to go look through the collection while I get the ice cream..."
Patamon perked up. "Sure!" He fluttered to the doorway and out into the hallway, realizing belatedly he didn't know where the movies were. "Uhhh... you lead," he said sheepishly.
With a slight smirk, Tailmon leaped from the bed and went to the living room. "The movies are in that closet behind the TV." Pointing, she left Patamon to go find the ice cream. "What flavor do you want?"
"Nothing Fruity," he called, looking over the titles. "Hmmmm..." he mumbled. "Hey, Tailmon! Want to watch Homeward Bound?"
"How about Rocky Road?" went Tailmon, digging through the frozen vegetables. "And sure! Hikari and I love that movie!"
"Sound great!" Patamon replied, pulling the DVD out. He flew into the kitchen to help her with the ice cream.
Finally locating the ice cream, Tailmon stood up straight and kicked the door closed just when Patamon flew in. A rare, playful smile appeared on her face. "Just what we need to get our mind off things~! A movie, ice cream....just the two of us, like old times!"
"Mmhmm!" Patamon agreed happily. "I'm really glad we're doing this."
"Whenever one of us was sad, Hikari and I always watched this movie together," said Tailmon happily. "And look, we're already cheerful and we haven't even started it yet!"
"Didn't it make you more sad?" Patamon questioned, searching the cupboard for bowls. "With the cat getting swept down the waterfall and all?"
"Well, there were sad parts of the movie that made us sad too, but... I suppose it was feeling emotional about the movie that made us feel better. It made us forget what was worrying us." Tailmon shrugged. "And Hikari always thought the ending was really cute~"
"The ending is the best part," Patamon said. "Does the old dog remind of you of Gabumon? Sort of like a big brother..." he smiled fondly, clumsily getting out two bowls and placing them on the counter.
"Hey, you're right!" said Tailmon, helping Patamon out by getting the spoons. "He was always more understanding. The cat makes me think of how Miko would be if she could talk...How do you think Peanut would act if he could talk?"
"Hmmmm... sort of a mix between the two dogs. Playful, like the younger one, but he listens, too. So a mix," Patamon decided, beginning to scoop ice cream.
"Hey," Tailmon giggled, "that sounds a lot like you! You're always fun to be around, and yet I know I can talk to you, like right now." Smiling innocently, she took the bowl of ice cream Patamon had just finished filling and ate a huge spoonful.
"Tha- Hey!" he yelped, staring at the space his bowl had been. Laughing, he began to fill the other bowl by awkward thrusts with his hooves.
Tailmon stuck out her tongue playfully and indulged in another scoop. "You weren't fast enough!" she teased.
Patamon glared, flicking ice cream at her. "Now who's not fast enough?" He taunted, as the ice cream sailed toward her face.
"Hey!" cried Tailmon, rubbing her forehead. With a smirk she loaded her spoon, and flicked it at Patamon's face.
"Eeee!" He squealed, getting a noseful. The Digimon flipped some back, splattering the counter in the process.
"Aaaah!" Despite dodging she was still hit with the delicious treat, and she turned around to look at the dirty countertops in dismay. "Alright, alright, surrender!!"
Haa-haaa! I win!" Patamon crowed, beaming, unaware that his nose was still covered in chocolate.
"Only because Hikari's mom would be mad if the kitchen got very messy," said Tailmon sheepishly, setting the bowl down to go grab a towel.
"Yeah, Takeru's would too," Patamon agreed, blushing.
Rushing the clean-up job, she wiped the cupboard doors in about a minute and tossed the towel back on the counter and retrieved the ice cream. "Maybe we should get started on that movie now? Don't want to stay up too late."
"Yeah, sounds good to me," Patamon agreed, taking a bite of his ice cream.
"Hey, Tailmon?" Patamon commented after a pause. "If you fell down a water fall, I'd jump in after you. You know that right?"
"Heh. Of course you would, that's what friends are for."