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Jul 05, 2010 14:10

Finally saw Avatar today on the big screen. I was willing to go in with my head held high and be the rabid fangirl that I am and not bitch at the changes (and hold my tongue about the RACEBENDING). However, I have never seen an adaption as BAD as this. So for anyone who has seen the movie and not the series, please note the following:

• You do not have to "meditate" for days in order to get your Air bending tattoos. You have to become a Master Air Bender to receive them.

• Monk Gyatso was close to a hundred years old at the time Aang was recognized as the Avatar, and he was NOT black.

• Female Air benders are kept at the Western and Eastern Air temples, and they do not belong at the North or South temples.

• Katara WATERBENDS Aang out of the iceberg. On accident because she doesn't know how to waterbend.

• That speech that Aang gives in the Earth Kingdom town, yeah that's Katara's speech that she gives ON A BOAT when she liberates the Earthbenders. Aang wanted to leave it alone.

• Katara and Sokka's grandmother's name is GRAN GRAN.

• THERE IS NO DRAGON SPIRIT IN THE SERIES! Avatar Roku communicates to Aang through the spirit of his pet dragon, Feng, right before the winter SOLSTICE, and tells Aang to come to the Fire Temple on the SOLSTICE where he actually meets Roku.

• Commander Zhao is a dick IRL. He can't control his anger and find inner balance, which is what brings him to fail.

• Fire Lord Ozai, yeah, he's a dick, too, and doesn't give two shits about Zuko at all.

• Commander Zhao doesn't tell anyone about his secret discovery at the Library until he reaches the Spirit Oasis in the Northern Water Tribe. And he didn't stab Tui (the Moon Spirit); he burned him. And Iroh earns the trust of the GAANG by threatening Zhao if he were to harm Tui. Zhao also DOES NOT need help diciphering the scrolls from the Library. He gets that information in the library and then DESTROYS everything there.

• Aang is told to find the Moon and the Ocean spirits in the REAL world for their help at the North. He's told IN THE SPIRIT WORLD that Tui and La need his help as opposed to Aang needing theirs.

• Yue is not convinced by Iroh to give her life back to Tui. She specifically says, "The moon spirit gave me life. Maybe I can give it back." All she does is touches Tui and bam she fades away and BECOMES the Moon Spirit.

• When Tui is killed, Aang steps in to the Spirit Oasis and La (the Ocean Spirit) becomes one with Aang and they go on a crazy march to destroy the Fire Nation at the Siege of the North. They become this super cool water-fish-like thing and every one in the Water Tribe is all, "Hail the Ocean Spirit!" and La lets them live, and then attacks the Fire Nation soldiers.

• La is the one who kills Zhao. Zhao and Zuko have an Agni Kai (which is pronounce WRONG in the movie; it's pronounced "aag - knee - ky") on the bridge and La reaches up from the water below and grabs Zhao. Zuko actually tries to save him, but Zhao's pride doesn't let him and he lets La kill him by pulling him in to the water below.

• Fire Lord Ozai doesn't even know that Zuko can wield swords until the third season, let alone that he is the Blue Spirit.

• Major characters were not even introduced such as: King Boomy of Omashu, Suki and the Kyoshi Worriors, and not even the Cabbage Merchant. Also, the White Lotus Society isn't even hinted at, which is one of those mysterious things that you don't learn about completely until the last episode. No mentions of the Lion Turtle, either.

• Katara never introduces herself to Zuko, and she ESPECIALLY never lets anyone of the Fire Nation know that she is the only bender in the Southern Tribe.

• Iroh totally should have included the line of, "Even in exile my nephew has more honor than you do," to Zhao.

• AANG CANNOT CONTROL THE AVATAR STATE UNTIL THE THIRD SEASON. Not that he ever really went in to the avatar state in the film, but when his eyes and tattoo's get all glowy, that's supposed to signify it. But no, he cannot choose to go in or out of it; it has to be triggered.

• Air is the LAST element of the Avatar sequence. Water is first.

• For some reason, they showed the avatar before Kyoshi, from the Water Tribe, as a woman and the one before that as a man. Yang Chin (the last Air avatar) was a woman and Kuruk (the last Water avatar) was a man.

• Sozin's comet comes at the end of the summer, not in "three years." Aang only has like, 9 months TOPS to learn all of the elements and become a full fledged Avatar.

• And oh, FYI, the martial arts they used weren't even the ones that were used for the show. The animators actually hired someone named Sifu Kisu to come in and be studied from. Meaning, all of the stuff in the movie was WRONG. Each element had a style, and those styles were NOT used in the film.

• BTW, that bullshit about the Avatar not being allowed personal relationships and not having a family, yeah that's BULLSHIT. Zuko's mother, Ursa, is the granddaughter of Avatar Roku, making Zuko the great-grandson of Roku. It is specifically stated by Iroh in season three.

The good parts:

• I was down with the Blue Spirit sequence. The fighting was pretty bad ass.

• The actor that played Zuko made me want to hug him at least twice. His "honor" was justified, but could have been overdone. He could have said in every scene, "I have to regain my honor," but the two or three times was okay enough for me.

• Yue was 90% perfect. She was the only character that was spot on despite the HORRIBLE changes they made to her.

• Zuko's scar was on the correct side of his face.

All in all, that movie was horrible. I hope M. Night's next gig is directing The Ember Island Players, because they suck, too. Seriously, this director should be fed to La for his HORRIBLE adaptation and I am seriously all for having his movie scrapped and rewritten and refilmed. I hope Bryke is suing M. Night for damages.
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