Interests Meme

Sep 29, 2005 15:24

I keep seeing this everywhere, and well... on my normal journal I don't have a lot of intersts listed. So I figured, what the hell. I decided to do it for this journal instead. It's still me. Still my interests. I just didn't list them over on my other journal because it's a waste of time and repetition. It's long, so I've got it cut.

LJ Interests meme results

  1. characterization:
    I probably have well over a dozen books on this subject. Someone asked me once, "What do you mean when you say I have a writer's mind?" I explained it to the best of my ability, and it sort of fits why characterization is an interest to me. I like well-written and believable characters. I like characters whom I can believe are real. When I can sit alone in the living room after reading a book or taking part in an RP scene and have a conversation with a character I've met through reading and role-play interraction as if that character is sitting right there with me... then that's some good characterization. I like to sit here at the computer and ponder on my characters. I like to ask myself how I can flesh them out more, how I can make them seem more real. Traits (physical and mental), dialogue, attitude, philosophy, everything down to physical appearance. It fascinates me to see how well some people, including myself, can take all those things about a person that doesn't truly exist and make them seem real. It's brilliant.
  2. discussion:
    Let's talk. I love to talk. But I love to listen even more. I like to sit back in a room full of people and listen to them talk about things that are important to them. I like to browse message boards and community journals and read what other people are talking about. Sometimes I like to even add into the discussion, particularly if it's a topic I feel I can relate to. I don't particularly care about your new hairdo, new car, new clothes, new boyfriend, new girlfriend, what you had for dinner last night. Those are all well and good. They can lead to discussion, but they aren't discussion. I want to know why those things are important to you, why they pissed you off or made you excited. And let's face it. Discussion isn't entertaining in a story if it doesn't have a purpose. Such is true with life.
  3. fantasy fiction:
    This is my favorite genre. When I was a child, I loved Dr. Seus and Where the Wild Things Are. I loved stories that took me to alternate worlds where fabulously fantastical things happened. As I grew older, I set aside picture books and ventured into novels. I loved stories that had knights and mages as main characters, where dragons were both feared and adored. The more unrealistic a place was, the more I loved it, so long as the characters remained real. A lot of what I write borders on fantasy fiction. Most of what I read still remains within that genre.
  4. imagination:
    Kids are great. I love kids. I think what I love most about children is their ability to pretend. It takes a great deal of imagination for a child to believe that a cardboard box he found in the dumpster the other day is in fact a star destroyer with invisible buttons and consoles that set out on a mission to save the Earth. Some people grow up and they forget what it is to imagine, to take something extremely mundane and turn it into something grand. And some people have grown up and remember. They take all those things they dreamed of when they were children and incorporate them into life, into story-telling, into screen-writing, and they create fantasies for other people to enjoy. Without an adult imagination, we wouldn't have some of the movies that have won academy awards. We wouldn't have over 1700 flavors of ice cream. We wouldn't have the light bulb. The human mind is a beautiful thing, and without the ability to imagine and invent, we as a species wouldn't have evolved very far. I love it.
  5. love:
    Who isn't interested in love? It's the life goal of nearly every human being to find someone special who can adore them as much as they adore that person. We are lonely without someone wonderful to share our lives with. We sit together and watch sappy movies, and we cry. We cry tears of joy for the people in those films who have defeated great obstacles and struggled their way through hardships to attain true love. We read books to warm our hearts, when two characters suffer strains and endure arguments and battles, and in the end they find love in each others' arms. There is nothing more awe-inspiring than a brilliant love story told well.
  6. novels:
    In some ways I'm a book collector. I absolutely love books. I have hundreds of books, but not enough. Novels in particular are amongst my favorites. In some ways I've considered that novel is just another word for book. In most cases a novel is a work of fiction in book form. Something more than two hundred pages I believe. I love books that take me weeks to finish reading, and novels fit the bill. I love to discuss books, my favorite characters in a novel, and so much more. Novels are just the imagination in word form. I love them.
  7. prose:
    Words. I adore written words. Prose can be anything from a short story, an essay, a novel, an encyclopedia ... anything. Though prose is separated from poetry, because in most cases it lacks any lyrical or rhythmic value. I like the straight-forward explanations. The series of events that explains point A leading into point B. I like analyzing prose, picking it apart and wondering why the writer presented it in the format he or she did. The written word excites me. Prose excites me. I love it.
  8. screenplays:
    I don't know a whole lot about this subject. It's a type of writing that I've been wanting to research more. I love movies. But most of all I love how movies were written. I've always wanted to take a look at the script of every movie I've ever seen. I've also dreamed of taking some of my fiction and turning it into a film at some point in time. I love movies that are based off of books, and I always wonder how much the author of the original book had to do with the creation of the film version. Because let's face it, some movies just destroy the original story of a book. And some movies are brilliantly displayed as the original story they were. I love to see the written word visualized on the big screen.
  9. unorthodox:
    This was a strange interest to categorize. Maybe I chose the wrong word. But I'm absolutely fascinated in all things that are beyond what society considers to be the accepted norm. I love to study alternative religions that most people have never heard about. I love to research personality and mental disorders that cause people to be rejected by their peers. I love taking new approaches of thinking into everything I read about or witness. I've never liked to do anything the normal way. Fashion, organized religion, clubs, groups, cliques, style, food, passion, love... Take all of those things and so much more, and turn them into something abnormal, unnacceptible, grotesque, mind-boggling ... different. I love things that can be categorized as unorthodox.
  10. yaoi:
    This is no surprise. I'm not a big fan of the word, though. Yaoi, to me, defines animated boy on boy porn. I love me some boisex, but that's not entirely what yaoi is all about. It's about the beauty of relationships, intimate or otherwise, that exist between two people of the male gender. Love and life and sex and more. I love the art that inspired by the concept. I love the stories that are written for the same reasons. I love the warmth in peoples' hearts when they see that their ideals are accepted, in some small part, for what they truly are. This sort of falls under the category of unorthodox, and I love it. Some of that stuff is absolutely amazing.

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