I had fun last night, Sengoku-san :D Fireworks are awesome!
Did you guys see the ones I did? THEY ROCKED!
I went to Tanabata with my new best friend Sengoku-san. He's pretty cool because he's not a jerk to me like everyone else is. Though, Niou-senpai is still kinda cool, when he's not trying to trick me into things.
I got takoyaki and squid and a candy apple and.... a bear. Its weird since Sengoku-san won it and gave it to me. But its kinda cute too. I named it Jotaro because Jotaro Joestar is the coolest badass ever. That's not girly. Though girls always get prizes on dates right? That's so.... this wasn't a date! GROSS.
But he tried to hold my hand too... It was probably just an accident. We're not gay like everyone else! Like Buchou...and Fukubuchou... and that Hyotei buchou... nad Niou-senpai...and damnit... is EVERYONE here gay???