Fic: The Kirillov Project

Mar 21, 2006 13:32

Title: The Kirillov Project
Authors: laeglass and miss_somersault
Pairing: VM/OB
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: AU, dark themes, violence, language, angst (but hey, it’s from laeglass and miss_somersault - how bad can it get? ;-) )
Disclaimer: This is not true, has never been and never will be. We, the authors of this story, are in no manner associated with either Mr. Bloom or Mr. Mortensen. An idea is borrowed from a movie by Cinema ’84 (cookie to everyone who can tell which one!), but everything else is the product of our imagination.
A/N: All fiction entries will be posted on our personal LJ’s as well as several fiction comms. However, by joining the Kirillov Project fic community kirillovproject you will gain access to all the additional stuff that is posted exclusively on this community.
Beta: tularia *hugs*
Summary: How far would you go to save your world?

banner made by the wonderful mesnica :)


Initially after his arrival Viggo knew only pain and an unsettling feeling of disorientation, not belonging.

A few seconds after that an intense wave of nausea hit, and he would have dropped to his knees hadn’t he already been kneeling. His stomach tried to empty itself but nothing came out.

The first conscious thought in his mind was relief. He was battered and felt like he had been on the losing end of a brawl but he was alive. Nobody had been able to tell him exactly of the risks that came with travelling, so he had prepared for the worst. After all, he was the first to do this journey.

The second thought was Orlando. Viggo felt electricity sizzle in his veins at the mere thought of the name. Orlando was all that mattered now. Even after the world had ended and the lives of billions had shrunk to simple existing and battling of survival, to him it had always been Orlando that had been the most important. Now he was the only thing that was important.

This was where it had all started, and Viggo would see that it also ended here. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

Slowly, minding the nauseating roll of his stomach and the furious pounding in his brain he stood up, taking in his surroundings for the first time. The sky was dark. Raindrops, not too long ago fallen from the clouds glinted in the asphalt. The wind whipped the tops of the palm trees, pushing a few strands of hair on the man’s face. Viggo patted the belt on his waist and felt the comforting shape of his weapon. He hoped he wouldn’t need it, but a soldier couldn’t rely on hope alone.

He would use it if need be. If Orlando was in danger he would definitely engage it.

With steady steps Viggo left the abandoned carpark. Had he stayed but a few minutes longer he would have encountered someone, no, something that even his weapon couldn’t protect him against. But as things were, no such meeting occurred.


When It arrived only moments after, everything was quiet. Where seconds before a human being had been, It could only sense the traces of his body warmth now, but the body itself had moved already. After Its arrival, that was announced by a low hum, It needed no time in getting adjusted. Why should It? It wasn’t programmed to do that.

Briskly It got up on Its two feet and looked around, dispassionately taking in the environment. Small red eyes scanned the empty carpark and took in every detail. No humans. No house servants. A stray cat huddling beneath a car meowed and escaped as It approached. But It didn’t care about the cat. It had a mission, and nothing else mattered. Nothing else would ever stop It or hinder the execution of his order. It would fulfill the mission; It was programmed to do that.

With slow, measured steps, It took off in the direction in which Viggo had disappeared. Following the human was essential. First. Then it was essential to kill him and hinder his mission, of course.

Not really registering the anxious meowing of the cat, It walked forwards. It had the cunning ability to blend every other aspect out of Its ‘mind’. A dark sky, raindrops on the asphalt and wind blowing through the trees wasn’t essential. It knew that. But It also knew that following the disappearing human was essential. Its heels clicked on the asphalt and the frightened cat tried to crawl deeper under the car. Unconcerned It followed the trace of warmth right before It, which It could still sense faintly.

So different from the first arrival, but yet so many similarities. Even if It had a wiring scheme instead of a personality and brains with which to think, Its “thoughts” were the same as Viggo’s:

I must find Orlando.

TBC in Chapter One


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