Age: Rokuta is physically 13 and is frozen forever at this age. In truth he is over 500 years old.
Height: ... Short? rofl I don't know. I'd pitch him to be about 4'11" or almost 5 feet?
Weight: You got me. Normal? /is bad at this
Medical Info: The guy is immortal and can't be killed easily. He can really only die via chopping off his head. As an immortal Rokuta cannot get sick. He's immune to every disease known to man and injuries heal fairly quickly. HOWEVER he is a kirin and kirin are extremely poisoned by blood. If Rokuta is exposed to it in any way (sight, smell, touch, taste) he'll get sick. Exposure to blood makes him very weak, gives him a high fever and can also make him pass out. Prolonged exposure is potentially fatal.
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Gold (not blond)
Physical traits: Small! He's a 13 year old boy physically, after all. He's pretty athletic, too. He spends his time in his human form (see icons) but his true form is his kirin one. (... also see icons.) His kirin form is also small. It's about the size of a pony. lolz
What's Not Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: The list for 'what is okay' is pretty general. So I changed it to this because it's more specific. ANYWAY he doesn't like mentions of war, violence, killing and anything of that nature.
Abilities: Hnggrrrhhh please just
go here and find that section. @_@
However I will note here the most important: his shirei. They are basically trained demons that are at his command. They are very overprotective of him and if he's threatened, they might attack. But Rokuta has complete control over them and they cannot disobey him EVER. He has several but the only three he will have in game (and that are given names/focused on in the series) are Rikaku [a wolf with three tails], Yokuhi [nyokai, a white bird like woman] and Kibou [... an otter, I think, but generally a formless shadow]. Pictures are in that link up there if you're curious!
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: He's a pretty open book. They will probably be able to sense or "see" his true form and tell he's immortal. Also feel free to have them discover his past and whatnot.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Just contact me! ♥
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go for it.
Maim/Murder/Death: Please contact me for this one, too! But why would you want to harm a unicorn? :(
Cooking: Skillz he does not have. At aaaallllll.
Other: Nothing else at the moment!