I am so behind on Livejournal. I think I need to cull some of my feeds here and in Bloglines. I can't keep up anymore. (How the hell do you do it, hober?)
For a while I used LJ as a feed reader, including Language Log. Language Log then switched their format, and posted ridiculously long posts rather than short blurbs. Now I use LJ just to read friends and xkcd. Anything else is better in newsletter form with digest option. Those are a lot easier to read or skip over than digging through a stack form of messages that is constantly growing. Especially if the newsletters are well differentiated. At least, that's my current feeling.
I tried to do something like Hober does with emacs and gnus for along time with newsgroups and such, but I just couldn't keep up. So now I've mostly unsubscribed from newsgroups, but I do have a set of feeds which go via e-mail through gnus. Which is nice, because I can just look at titles and ignore what I don't really care about. I'd say I read about... 25% of the things that come through my feed reader now. It's nice.
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