Tiny droplets of water suspended by the air. When you consider it, what's the difference between clouds and mist apart from where they appear?
The mist swirls along the ground, drifting into unwanted areas, expanding with its vast reach. It creates a haze, so things are lost, hidden, masked from plain sight - yet it is beautiful, soft, alluring at the same instance. Creeping delicately across the ground, through the narrowest areas, softening the harsh colours of the unforgiving world.
Higher up, where the wind carries them hither, the clouds float, unconcerned for the most part, free and untethered to the ground like the rolling mists, forever confined and chained to only pass below on the earth, but the clouds cannot fall either. Once they pass that hidden barrier, they meld into each other - which is which?
The fluffy shapes of the clouds are misleading. Thick and impenetrable, they form a barrier to sight, masking everything in its entirely unless you can pass through it. It is unlike the clutching mists, where one finds no escape, the tiny droplets swirling about you easily, although you can always see the shortest distance ahead. The clouds are thicker, more blinding, unyielding to anything but force.
Mist swirls no matter how much you bat at it.
The quick forming clouds have their own beauty, but it is not soft as the mist, appearing to move slowly, lazily across the bright expanse of sky, yet they ripple in the air, forming, dispersing with such intensity.
The mist is slow to creep up, advancing unnoticed until it is too late. It is subtle and sly, slinking into the world gently, rarely, but at once, dominating in its vastness and subtle fierceness. Although the clouds cover the much vaster sky, it is still but limited to the confines of the atmosphere. It wanders where it will, yet - it is still restricted.
The mist curls up unnoticed, from anywhere.
Ah heck. What was that anyway. Inspired by
ch1ps0h0y , and our little chat.
Nowhere near as nice as her weather piece (see her journal!), and it's rushed, but hopefully something got across.